Why choose this Musical?

37 speaking roles

This can be reduced to 24 speaking roles. See "Casting" heading or "Production Notes" in Script Sample.

Unlimited chorus parts

Easy to stage with simple scenery - adaptable

CDs of Backing Tracks & Vocal Tracks available

No pianist required! Both these CDs include Overture, ALL Songs, Special Effects, Play Ons and Play Offs in the order you need them enabling production and direction to take place without specialist musical expertise.

Full Performance Piano/Vocal Score available (Grade 5 / 6 Standard)

Encompasses Overture, ALL Play Ons and Play Offs, Songs, Link Music, Cues and Chord Symbols. Click "Performance Score" in the "Script & Songs" tab below.

Easy Play Rehearsal Piano/Vocal Score available (Grade 2 / 3 Standard)

Click "Easy Play Score" in the "Script & Songs" tab below.

Easily constructed and manageable props

Age range - Key Stage 2 Production (7-11 years)

NEW! Instant Scenery with our digital backdrops
A different backdrop for EVERY scene change

Supplied in both a PowerPoint presentation and as individual JPG files.

School Play Backdrop
No more Scenery Painting!

NEW Sing It! Mk. 4 version, now with...

  • "Volume Control" feature
  • "Minimise Window" feature
  • "Lyrics Off" feature
  • "Vocals Off" feature
  • "Line by Line" practising feature
  • "Phrase by Phrase" practising feature

A BRAND NEW product; a CD-ROM or download of all the songs called "Sing it!" is available. This CD-ROM or download can teach the songs to the children without any teacher input. Children can use it at school or at home - think of the time it will save you! Most schools use it in class on an interactive white board or in the school hall on the overhead projector to allow full cast practice. Children LOVE learning this way and the product is foolproof.

Read the "Sing it!" reviews
'The "Sing it!" products were fantastic.' The Downs School, Bristol.
'Absolutely amazing material.' Mary O'Neill-Delano, Canada.
' "Sing it!" is fantastic for us less musically inclined teachers.' The Coppice Primary, Worcestershire.
'I really appreciate the "Sing it!" component as we often use this in rehearsals.' Newborough East Primary, Victoria, Australia.
'Can I also say that your "Sing it!" CD was brilliant.' Key Stage 2 teacher, Singapore.

From the writer of "ZOOM!" comes the most magical of Christmas musicals - "When Sasha Got Swept Up The Chimney". This festive show follows a young orphan, Sasha, as she and her friends are mysteriously swept up the orphanage chimney thanks to a sprinkle of magical stardust. But this is just the start of a thrilling adventure that will take them all the way to the North Pole, and change their lives forever! However, all is not well in the Frozen North and when Christmas is threatened by an evil Tooth Fairy, it's down to Sasha and her friends to save the day!

Sasha is a spectacular show that will take your audience on a magical sleigh ride and have them laughing, crying, singing, dancing and feeling fabulously festive! This wonderful Christmas story is brought to life through a sackful of unforgettable songs, a deliciously funny script and a tear-jerking ending that won't leave a dry eye in the house! With parts for between 20 and 40 children, unlimited chorus parts and the possibility of adult performers guest starring as Berty and Gerty Claus, this show will suit any size school or group.

A CD featuring dazzling, fully orchestrated backing tracks is available.

A CD of vocal tracks is also available which can be used for rehearsals and performances.

'The Mistletoe Ball' sets the scene in Victorian London as Londoners are preparing for the festivities. Unfortunately, the mood in Stoneheart Orphanage is not as bright as Harriet does her best to convince Milly, Sasha and Will that Santa doesn't exist. However, failing to lose sight of her dreams, Sasha sings 'Someone Somewhere' reassuring herself that one day her dreams of a family will come true.

Ignoring Harriet's hurtful comments, Will and Sasha help Milly to send her letter to the North Pole, but in an unexpected turn of events they get swept up the chimney along with the letter! It is certainly a change of scenery as the children are transported to the rooftops where despite the cold, Tom, the chimney sweep, finds the energy to sing 'Clean Sweep.' Quickly making friends, Tom offers the orphans the chance to deliver their letter in person, and without hesitation in a reprise of 'Clean Sweep' the children are swept away to the North Pole.

Everything is underway at the North Pole as Holly and Ivy, the two cleaners, are going about their daily tasks. Yet their talk is full of bitterness as they resent the fact that two fairies should be demoted to cleaning when the 'new kid on the block' is promoted to the role of the Tooth Fairy. It seems as though there are even hardships in the North Pole!

Stumbling over the North Pole (literally...) Tooth Fairy and his side kick Tooth Ache enter and in an evil revelation, the audience discover that their intentions are to ruin Christmas!

However the wicked atmosphere disappears as we are transported to Santa's workshop where the elves are busy putting their finishing touched to all the Christmas presents-including the 822 spinning tops (don't worry, these are not necessary props!) Expecting a visit from the elf inspector, the elves prepare themselves, but Tom, Sasha and Will arrive unannounced and thinking they are the inspectors, the elves do their utmost to impress them, including countless witty one liners. The reindeers make a polished entrance, and it is eventually discovered that Sasha, Will and Tom are here to see Santa and not inspect the workshop. Willing to oblige, the elves sing 'You've Got A Friend In Me' to welcome the guests.

In the House of the Clause's, Santa and his wife prepare for Santa's travels and it seems that even Santa's wife double checks his sack before he leaves! But there's love beneath the banter as they sing 'You've Got A Friend In Me.' However their peace is disturbed as everything starts to go wrong. The naughty and nice book disappears and Tooth Fairy and Tooth Ache start to cause havoc. Harriet makes a surprise entrance, as it turns out she followed her fellow orphans up the chimney, and is swept in to joining Tooth Fairy and Ache, helping them to ruin Christmas.

Despite Christmas appearing to fall apart at the North Pole, Mrs Claus continues her day to day business as she runs the Elf School. Far from well behaved, their antics and jokes drive Mrs Claus round the bend, so even she almost contracts tinselitus! However 'The Tickling Song' puts everyone back into a good mood. Unfortunately this doesn't last long as Tooth Fairy, Ache and Harriet reveal to the audience they have locked Santa in the cellar and stole the stardust distributor so the sleigh won't stay in the air. Blissfully unaware, the reindeers take Will, Sasha and Milly on a complimentary sleigh ride during 'Come for a Magical Sleigh Ride' which ends quicker than unexpected, luckily without any cuts or bruises! At this point, the Tooth Fairy, Ache and Harriet reveal themselves and what they have done, thinking they have successfully ruined Christmas. However, in a passionate speech from Sasha, Harriet realises the wrongs of what she has done and that all she lacked was some belief in Santa. With everything restored, the children return to London and in a happy ending, Will, Milly and Harriet receive private invitation to the Mistletoe Ball where their adoptive parents will be waiting, and Sasha gets the biggest surprise of all when her adoptive parents turn out to be Santa and his wife! 'You've Got to Believe in Christmas' brings a close to a magical journey. 'Magical Sleigh Ride' concludes the show.

Suggested Cast List For 61 Actors

N.B. In the following list, the number shows how many spoken lines each role has. An asterisk (*) before the character's name indicates that this character ALSO has solo or featured sung lines.

Character NameNumber of Lines
* Mrs. Claus (Gerty)97
Tooth Fairy74
* Sasha62
* Santa Claus (Berty)52
Tooth Ache44
Elf B33
Elf A32
Elf D13
Elf I12
Elf M12
Elf N10
Elf E6
Elf F6
Elf J6
Elf K6
Elf S6
Elf C4
Elf G4
Elf H4
Sweep 1 (Charlie)1
Sweep 2 (Alvin)1
Sweep 31

Non-speaking roles: Chorus of 10 Londoners, 3 Little Elves, 8 Penguins and 3 Sweeps.

Cast members could become an off-stage chorus when not required in scenes.

Suggested Cast List For 30 Actors (+ Two Adults!)

N.B. In the following list, the number shows how many spoken lines each role has. An asterisk (*) before the character's name indicates that this character ALSO has solo or featured sung lines.

Character NameNumber of Lines
* Mrs. Claus (Gerty) - played by an adult97
Tooth Fairy74
* Sasha62
* Santa Claus (Berty) - played by an adult52
Tooth Ache44
Elf B33
Elf A32
Elf D - also plays Elf M (Scene 7)25
Dancer - also covers Blitzen and Vixen's lines21
Cupid - also covers Prancer's lines17
Elf C - also plays Elf I (Scene 7)16
Elf E - also plays Elf N (Scene 7)16
Donner - also covers Comet's lines13
Elf F - also covers Elf G's lines (Scene 4)# and also plays a Little Elf in Scene 710
Elf J - also covers Elf H's lines (Scene 4)# and also plays a Little Elf in Scene 710
Elf K - also plays a little elf in Scene 76
Elf S - also plays a little elf in Scene 76
Sweep 1 - combine with Sweep 2 and Sweep 3 into one part+3

Non speaking roles: Chorus of 6 Londoners, of whom:
2 also play Sweeps in Scene 2
4 also play Penguins in Scene 3.

Some of the children playing the non speaking roles could also perform the 'Stardust Dance' in Scene 8.

No additional chorus - cast sit near stage and sing chorus parts when not on stage.

# You may prefer to let the Elves remain at their work stations for the introduction to the visitors in Scene 4, so that Elves F and J can come forward to cover the lines of Elves G and H more easily.

+ The script will need to be amended slightly in Scene 2. E.g. Sweep 1 will need to be called Alvin.

5 Star Rating

When Sasha Got Swept Up The Chimney

"Highly recommended - heartwarming, well constructed, fun, cute moments available - our audiences loved it too! Just the right length for a children's musical if Sasha is on your short list GO FOR IT!!! "
Anita Gough, Centre Pointe Dance Studio, George Town

5 Star Rating

When Sasha Got Swept Up The Chimney

"I am going to be Harriet next Sunday and I am going to be really excited about being Harriet in the show Sasha got swept up the chimney and I am in scenes 1,4,6,8,9 and scene 10."
Charlotte, St.Leonards RC Primary School, England

5 Star Rating

When Sasha Got Swept Up The Chimney

"It's absolutely fantastic and I'm playing the part of tooth ache and I am so excited to perform it!"
Maisy, Cpyt acting company , Chandlers Ford

5 Star Rating

When Sasha Got Swept Up The Chimney

"It was amazing to be part this wonderfully produced play. I got to play the part of Ivy and Cupid. It was great fun. My favourite character was Tooth Ache though."
Anon, Anon, Anon

5 Star Rating

When Sasha Got Swept Up The Chimney

"This year in this play I am playing the role of Holly - and I love it!"
Green Haworth C of E Primary School, Accrington

5 Star Rating

When Sasha Got Swept Up The Chimney

"i saw it in the first year of my school - I'm in Yr 6 and I am Charlie the sweeper and i am so excited. The teachers helping us are Mrs Scott, Mr Simpson, Miss Merylees and Mrs Docherty who are working so hard to make this production memorable and making sure we all have lots of fun. So all i can say is thank you so so much x "
Laura, Seaton Sluice Middle School, Seaton Sluice

5 Star Rating

When Sasha Got Swept Up The Chimney

"I really enjoyed this prodution. I recommand this to all schools!!!!! I am playing Tom! I've got lots of lines to learn but they are really easy to learn!!! "
Grace Davies, Howells School Llandaff

5 Star Rating

When Sasha Got Swept Up The Chimney

"I loved it "
Langley Park Primary School

5 Star Rating

When Sasha Got Swept Up The Chimney

"My school did this as our Xmas play in 2008. I got to play Sasha and it was incredibly fun. I love this play and I really enjoyed performing as Sasha. "
Aggi - Cast Member.

5 Star Rating

When Sasha Got Swept Up The Chimney

"I played Tom and it was 10/10 - I mean 10/10! BRILLIANT! So if you get chance to be in it - do it! "
Rohan - Cast Member.

5 Star Rating

When Sasha Got Swept Up The Chimney

"It is so good! I am 4th grade and I'm doing the role of Harriet!"
Tabasa - Cast Member.

5 Star Rating

When Sasha Got Swept Up The Chimney

"We are about to perform the second performance of this Christmas show. I recommend this. "
Wheatley Lane Primary School, Burnley

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Script (Non-editable PDF) US$15.00
Script (Editable Word Doc) US$18.00
PDF & Word Doc Scripts US$22.00
PDF Performance Piano Score (Grade 5 / 6 standard) US$15.00
PDF Easy Play Rehearsal Piano Score (Grade 2 / 3 standard) US$15.00
MP3 Backing Tracks US$18.00
MP3 Vocal Tracks US$18.00
Project it! (PowerPoint and JPGs)What's this? US$26.00
Sing it! (PC)What's this? US$18.00
Sing it! (MAC)What's this? US$18.00


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Script US$20.00
Pack of 5 Scripts US$65.00
Pack of 10 Scripts US$100.00
Performance Piano Score (Grade 5 / 6 standard) US$23.00
Easy Play Rehearsal Piano Score (Grade 2 / 3 standard) US$19.00
CD of Backing Tracks US$23.00
CD of Vocal Tracks US$23.00
Project it! CD-ROMWhat's this? US$33.00
Sing it! CD-ROM (PC & MAC)What's this? US$26.00

  Performing Licence: valid for 12 months from date of issue for THIS musical only

The Musicline Performing Licence covers you to perform this musical.

It is illegal to perform ANY published musical without the appropriate licence which is only available from the publisher of that musical.

'Blanket' licences which you may have DO NOT cover the performing of published musicals.

A performing licence is required for EACH PERFORMANCE.

For more information about Licensing, please click here

Size of your School Size Price per Performance Price Number of Performances Number
200+ Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$52.00
150-199 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$43.00
100-149 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$35.00
50-99 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$26.00
0-49 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$18.00
Theatre Group (any size) US$86.00

  Copying Licence: valid for 12 months from date of issue for THIS musical only

The Musicline Copying Licence covers you to copy ALL of any of the items you buy for this show either posted or downloaded.

This Licence is only available from the publisher of the copyright material.

It is illegal to reproduce or share ANY published material without the appropriate licence.

For more information about Licensing, please click here

Size of your School Size Price of Licence Price Qty Qty
200+ Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$52.00
150-199 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$43.00
100-149 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$35.00
50-99 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$26.00
0-49 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$18.00
Theatre Group (any size) US$86.00

  Video Licence: valid for 12 months from date of issue for THIS musical only

The Musicline Video Licence allows you to record your performances and sell the DVDs without royalty payments applying. The Video Licence is given FREE OF CHARGE if you order a Performing Licence and a Copying Licence at the same time. Only fill in the box below if you wish to purchase a video licence separately.

For more information about Licensing, please click here

Size of your School Size Price of Licence Price Qty Qty
200+ Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$52.00
150-199 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$43.00
100-149 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$35.00
50-99 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$26.00
0-49 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$18.00
Theatre Group (any size) US$86.00