Click HERE to read the Script, look at the Score and listen to the Songs
by Dave Corbett
Pricing & Order Info.
Why choose this Musical?
15 Speaking roles
Flexible Cast size to suit YOUR group numbers, from 18 actors upwards. See "Casting" tab below for full instructions.
Separate CDs of Vocal and Backing tracks
Easy Play Piano/Vocal Score (Grade 4 Standard) available
Very easy to stage and teach
Simple, easy to sing songs with obvious repetition
Extensive production notes included in the script
Visually appealing = maximum cute factor
Equal number of lines for most children
Ideal for the NQT
Age range: Key Stage 1 Production (5-7 years)
NEW Sing It! Mk. 4 version, now with...
- "Volume Control" feature
- "Minimise Window" feature
- "Lyrics Off" feature
- "Vocals Off" feature
- "Line by Line" practising feature
- "Phrase by Phrase" practising feature
A BRAND NEW product; a CD-ROM or download of all the songs called "Sing it!" is available. This CD-ROM or download can teach the songs to the children without any teacher input. Children can use it at school or at home - think of the time it will save you! Most schools use it in class on an interactive white board or in the school hall on the overhead projector to allow full cast practice. Children LOVE learning this way and the product is foolproof.
Read the "Sing it!" reviews 'The "Sing it!" products were fantastic.' The Downs School, Bristol. 'Absolutely amazing material.' Mary O'Neill-Delano, Canada. ' "Sing it!" is fantastic for us less musically inclined teachers.' The Coppice Primary, Worcestershire. 'I really appreciate the "Sing it!" component as we often use this in rehearsals.' Newborough East Primary, Victoria, Australia. 'Can I also say that your "Sing it!" CD was brilliant.' Key Stage 2 teacher, Singapore.
Once upon a Christmas time, a beautiful fir tree was planted outside a lovely house but it stood all alone in the freezing weather.
Although it didn't mind the cold, it was lonely and wanted to be like the one inside the big house.
Tinsel, the Christmas Fairy has a very special job to do. She must ensure all of the lonely Christmas trees are beautifully decorated.
With the help of some festive friends and a little bit of fairy magic, Tinsel transforms the lonely fir tree into a majestic Christmas tree.
Tinsel's little helpers also learn that the reason we decorate things at Christmas is because of a VERY special baby.
The Narrators open the show and set the scene. A lonely Fir tree stands alone in the freezing winter weather while the Frosties dance around with spiky movements.
As Tinsel enters with a twirl, the Frosties try to guess her name before she introduces herself and explains that her job is to decorate lonely fir trees such as the one stood before them.
Although the Frosties are eager to help and begin to hang glittering icicles on the tree, they soon become tired out.
Realising that she needs more help, Tinsel looks through the window of the big house and sees lots of toys ready for Christmas day.
With a little bit of magic and a very special spell, the toys begin to yawn and stretch as they slowly wake up.
The Clown, the Doll and the Spaceman are very excited to have come to life and perform various actions around the stage.
Meanwhile, Sandy Squirrel and his Squirrel Friends enter and offer to help as they are excellent climbers and Tinsel gratefully accepts.
The Squirrels get to work gathering berries and cones, before painting them silver and hanging them on the tree.
But what can the toys do? Tinsel has a special job for them... finding something really pretty to hang on the tree.
The Toys then get to work and search all around before finding some beautiful, glittering fireflies and hold them up for everyone to see.
As the toys hang the fireflies on the fir tree it transforms into a majestic Christmas tree that is just as beautiful as the one inside the big house.
But the Spaceman is curious and asks why we decorate things at Christmas?
A Nativity tableau is formed on stage and we learn that we decorate things because of a VERY special baby born at Christmas time all those years ago.
Speaking Roles By Number Of Lines
N.B. In the following list, the number shows the number of spoken lines each role has.
Character Name | Number of Lines |
Tinsel | 12 |
Narrator 3 | 5 |
Freddy Frost | 4 |
Sandy Squirrel | 4 |
Narrator 1 | 3 |
Clown | 3 |
Doll | 3 |
Freda Frost | 3 |
Fran Frost | 2 |
Frankie Frost | 2 |
Spaceman | 2 |
Narrator 2 | 2 |
Narrator 4 | 2 |
Narrator 5 | 2 |
Narrator 6 | 2 |
Suggested Cast List For 18 Actors
N.B. In the following list, the number shows the number of spoken lines each role has.
Character Name | Number of Lines |
Tinsel | 12 |
Narrator 3 - also reads Narrator 6's lines | 7 |
Narrator 1 - also reads Narrator 4's lines | 5 |
Freda Frost - also reads Fran Frost's lines | 5 |
Freddy Frost | 4 |
Narrator 2 - also reads Narrator 5's lines | 4 |
Sandy Squirrel | 4 |
Clown | 3 |
Doll | 3 |
Frankie Frost | 2 |
Spaceman | 2 |
Non-speaking Roles: Joseph, Mary, Wise Man, Shepherd, Stable Animal (e.g. Donkey), 2 Squirrel Friends.