Click HERE to read the Script, look at the Score and listen to the Songs
The Wrong Way Round
by Steve Titford & Ben O'Hare
Pricing & Order Info.
Why choose this Musical?
Watch the Trailer...
32 speaking roles
Easily reduced to 25 speaking roles. Flexible Cast size to suit YOUR group numbers, from 25 actors upwards. See "Casting" tab below for full instructions.
Any number of chorus parts
Full Production Notes
Check out the "Production Notes" below for full details.
Lots and Lots of helpful FREE resources
Check out the "FREE Resources" tab below to see for yourself!
Dance it! Choreography done for you! Check out the video below...
TOP TIP: unmute the video to have a watch and a boogie!
Our latest 'Dance it!' Choreography videos are captured in stunning 4K resolution, every move, twist, and turn comes to life with crystal-clear detail. Whether you're watching on a phone or projecting it onto the big screen, your cast will effortlessly catch every nuance of the choreography, making learning the routines a breeze!
*** NEW *** Hear it. Copy it. Learn it!

"Learn it!" is an "Audio Book" style read-through of the entire show performed by professional voice actors. It teaches each child their lines, when to perform them and most importantly, HOW to perform them. The copy and repeat method is simply the best and quickest way to learn. An essential product for SEND cast members. The "Learn it!" product is available as downloadable MP3 files or as a standard Audio CD. Have a listen to a sample of the "Learn it!" product on the "Samples" tab below.
If you'd like a more in depth explaination about "Learn it!", check out this explainer video.
Easy To Stage
Costumes and props are straightforward to make or source. Click "Production Notes" in the "Script & Songs" tab below for full listing.
Bursting With Awesome Songs
From the creator of the hugely successful "Shakespeare Rocks!". You and your pupils will be sharing and listening to songs from "The Wrong Way Round" just because you love them! Steve Titford's songs are immensely popular with young people on music sharing services and social networks. When it comes to pioneering Edu-Pop, he's best-in-class! Check out the Song Samples!
Editable Word Doc Script available. Make your own changes
Full Performance Piano/Vocal score (Grade 6/7 Standard) available
Click "Performance Score" in the "Script & Songs" tab below.
Age range: Key Stage 2 Production (7-11 years)
Especially ideal for your Upper Juniors (9-11 years) - a Perfect Year 6 leavers' play.
Duration: 70 minutes
CD of Backing Tracks plus essential sound effects available
No pianist required! This CD includes ALL backing tracks, incidental music and special effects in the order you need them enabling production and direction to take place without specialist musical expertise.
CD of Vocal Tracks available for learning the songs
Sing it! "Karaoke-Style" learning! Check out the video below...
TOP TIP: unmute the video to have a listen and a sing along!
NEW! Instant Scenery with our digital backdrops
A different backdrop for EVERY scene change
Supplied in both a PowerPoint presentation and as individual JPG files.

No more Scenery Painting!
The 'Enn-Elite Investigators', a group of inquisitive, young classmates, are having a quiet final term before moving up to High School. However, when their teacher disappears and unfamiliar faces intrude, the team tackles the case and delves into a dimension of mysterious mischief!
'The Wrong Way Round' is a hair-raisingly hilarious, musical mystery adventure, oozing nostalgic charm across generations! The intriguing plot, loveable characters and slapstick set-pieces will tickle and grip all ages, while the spine-tingling songs will ignite every performer's inner pop star.
Hitmaker, Steve Titford, ('Shakespeare Rocks!' and 'The Island That Rocks!') teams up with acclaimed mystery writer, Ben O'Hare, to bring you the ultimate school leavers' musical!
Scene One - Enniville School Road
We are introduced to the setting and Mr Donner, a teacher at Enniville Primary School, who is walking home from work and running late after a meeting. To save time, he decides to take a shortcut through the woods while talking to his wife on his phone. As he finishes his call, Mr Donner is confronted by a creature (who we later come to know as The Sticky Shadow). Mr Donner is rendered unconscious and kidnapped by the Sticky Shadow.
Scene Two - Title Sequence
This scene is the musical's "Title Sequence" with the song 'Scary Things', like that of a TV show, where we get glimpses of the characters and fun to come!
Scene Three - The Playground
The next morning, we meet several main characters at Enniville Primary School, including a group of endearingly awkward 11-year-old school friends who call themselves the 'Enn-Elite Investigators'. We learn of their regular rivalry with the boisterous basketball team (the 'Enniville Eagles') and their dislike for the pompous Principal Lauren. The Enn-Elite Investigators' mundane day takes an interesting turn when they are introduced to new enrolments Evan and Evangeline. These quiet enigmatic twins seem to have special powers. When The Enniville Eagles attempt to muscle in, a face-off between the two groups occurs during the song 'Rule This School'. As the school bell signals morning registration, another new face arrives - the frightful-looking Miss Sharman, who the twins say is their 'mother'.
Scene Four - Classroom 6DD
Class 6DD are misbehaving in the absence of their teacher, Mr Donner, until Principal Lauren arrives to lie to the children - telling them that Mr Donner will be back soon and that he is fine. Before leaving, Principal Lauren introduces Miss Sharman as the class's substitute teacher. Miss Sharman asserts her frightening personality through the song 'Creep You Out', where she enjoys scaring the children with a lesson on 'myths and monsters'. Ace, the ringleader of the Enniville Eagles, tries to rebel, only to be humiliated by Miss Sharman. As the song ends, the school bell sounds and all of the pupils flee the classroom.
Scene Five - The Staffroom
Miss Sharman enters the deserted staffroom and scans it with her 'Slimemometer'. Upon discovering some slime under a table, she begins collecting a sample of it. Meanwhile, Mrs Bewler (a friendly teacher with a love for street dance and miniature model fantasy games) enters the staffroom and spots Miss Sharman. Miss Sharman conceals the sample and evades Mrs Bewler's curiosity about what she was doing under the table and also the reason for the twins' sudden enrolment in the school. Miss Sharman smuggles the slime sample out of the staffroom.
Scene Six - The Playground
The Enn-Elite have just enjoyed their after-school club with Mrs Bewler playing 'Clawhammer' - a miniature model fantasy game. Mrs Bewler cheerfully locks up her classroom and sees the pupils off before she, in a similar fashion to Mr Donner, is kidnapped by a different creature (later revealed to be The Wonky Werewolf).
Scene Seven - The Old Ranger Station
The Enn-Elite meet at their favourite hangout to try and make sense of the recent strange events, much to the annoyance of Ranger Ron, who reluctantly leaves the pupils to their 'school project'. The pupils reach out across the airwaves to Tank', their amateur radio enthusiast trucker friend. Tank conveys chatter about a 'missing school teacher' before another distorted transmission breaks through. The sender is none other than Mr Donner. In his faint and garbled message, he speaks of a 'Creature' and the old 'Research Facility'. Explaining that he can't stay, Mr Donner hurriedly ends the transmission. The End-Elite Investigators resolve to find Mr Donner themselves, considering themselves to be better suited to the task than the police. Assuming that Mr Donner means the old 'Zinnistar Research Facility', the children decide to head there to investigate.
Scene Eight - The Wrong Way Round
A slimed Mrs Bewler awakes alone in a strange slimy wood. She attempts to hide in a bush, where she stumbles upon a slimed, leaf-covered, but otherwise healthy Mr Donner. The teachers deduce that they are in an alternative dimension of Enniville after Mr Donner points out the nearby dilapidated 'Zinnistar' Research Facility, noting that the signage is the wrong way round. He also carries a walkie-talkie, which he found in the Zinnistar building and used to contact the Enn-Elite before he fled in fear of being captured again. The walkie-talkie only appears to work in the building.
A group of creatures approach and the teachers hide in the bush. Among the creatures are The Wonky Werewolf and The Sticky Shadow, who lead the creatures in a performance of the song 'The Wrong Way Round'. From the song, we learn that the creatures are 'Greapiers', who are trying to rebrand themselves and promote their dimension as a tourist destination!
As the song closes, Mrs Bewler is so impressed by the Greapiers' performance that she forgets herself and springs up from behind the bush. Her applause and congratulations inadvertently causes mass panic. After some comedic chaos, everyone comes to their senses and an unexpected alliance is formed.
Scene Nine - The Old Research Facility
Outside the Research Facility in the normal dimension, the Enn-Elite Investigators spy from a distance on some suspicious activity occurring outside the building. They are discovered by the twins, who reveal that they want to help expose the goings on at 'Zinnistar Research', having suffered at the hands of its experiments. The Enn-Elite empathise with the twins, welcoming them to their group to perform the song 'Mysterious Kids'.
As the song finishes, Ranger Ron enters the scene demanding an explanation and expressing concern for the children's safety. He and the children head back to the old Ranger Station.
Scene Ten - The Old Ranger Station
Slime is slowly spreading through Enniville and can be seen on the windows of the Ranger Station. Ranger Ron studies a document stolen from the research facility by the twins. He reads it aloud with the children and they begin to comprehend Zinnistar Research's plan for world domination. The Enniville Eagles burst in, wrongly holding the Enn-Elite and the twins responsible for the spreading of slime through the playground. As the Enniville Eagles move to attack the group, the twins counter with their special powers and throw the basketball players to the floor. The Enniville Eagles, suitably impressed, align with the Enn-Elite. The scene fades as our heroes formulate a plan for saving the world.
Scene Eleven - The Old Research Facility
In a secret slime-filled laboratory, Miss Sharman and her team of fellow scientists present their plan for world domination to 'The Boss', who is concealed in a separate control room. The twins use their special powers to breach the laboratory. Miss Sharman is branded a 'monster' by the twins, who have learnt from the document that she is not their real mother. Miss Sharman responds by using her own hidden special powers to incapacitate the twins. She then defies The Boss's authority by drinking a large flask of slime. Absorbing the slime's tremendous energy, Miss Sharman becomes power-crazy and summons the Greapiers to dispose of the twins. The Greapiers, having secretly switched sides, defy Miss Sharman and lead a heroic invasion of the laboratory with the Enn-Elite, the Enniville Eagles, Ron's team of rangers and the recovered twins.
Each heroic group uses their specific skills to help restrain the scientists, shut down the machinery and secure the laboratory. Miss Sharman reaches the peak of her physical power and craziness and threatens to overpower everybody. However, due to her vast overconsumption of slime, her energy levels suddenly crash. She emits a ghastly burp before passing out.
As the 'real' police arrive, The Sticky Shadow and The Wonky Werewolf storm the control room to apprehend The Boss and reveal his identity. To everyone's amazement, The Boss is Principal Lauren, who has been formulating the plan for years. As he is taken away, the Principal remarks that he would have succeeded, had it not been for our heroes.
Scene Twelve - The Playground
The Mayor of Enniville reads a rousing speech congratulating everyone involved in the saving of the town. Medals of gratitude are awarded to the Enn-Elite, the Enniville Eagles, the teachers, the rangers and the Greapiers. A partnership between the two dimensions is announced, with 'The Wrong Way Round' being officially named 'Ellivinne' (Enniville backwards). Mrs Bewler publicly praises the pupils, as does Mr Donner, who encourages the school leavers to take their next step - happy and strolling tall. This is the cue for the final song 'Strolling Tall'.
Speaking Roles By Number Of Lines
In the following list the number shows the number of spoken lines each character has. The asterisk (*) before the characters name indicates that this character has solo or featured sung lines.
Character Name | Number of Lines |
Mr. Donner | 45 |
Mrs. Bewler | 44.5 |
*Miss Sharman | 37 |
River | 33.5 |
Riley | 29.5 |
Ranger Ron | 21.5 |
Principal Lauren/Boss | 18.5 |
Leo | 18 |
The Sticky Shadow | 15 |
Enniville Mayor | 14.5 |
Ollie | 13.5 |
Cameron | 12.5 |
*Evangeline | 11 |
*Evan | 9.5 |
Ace | 8 |
The Alien | 6.5 |
The Wonky Werewolf | 5 |
The Zombie | 4 |
The Skeleton | 3.5 |
Tank | 3 |
Dr. Carson | 2.5 |
Malcolm | 2.5 |
Dr. Hugh | 2 |
Mickey | 1 |
Courtney | 1 |
Jo | 1 |
Jay | 1 |
Phoenix | 1 |
Summer | 1 |
Ashley | 1 |
Finley | 1 |
Officer Feldman | 1 |
In addition to the characters listed above, a chorus of Non-speaking Pupils, Teachers and Rangers will be required.
Suggested Cast List For 21 Actors
In the following list the number shows the number of spoken lines each character has. The asterisk (*) before the characters name indicates that this character has solo or featured sung lines.Character Name | Number of Lines |
Mr.Donner | 45 |
Mrs.Bewler | 44.5 |
*Miss Sharman | 37 |
River | 33.5 |
Riley | 29.5 |
Ranger Ron - Combines lines with Tank | 24.5 |
The Sticky Shadow - Combines lines with The Zombie | 19 |
Principal Lauren/Boss | 18.5 |
Leo | 18 |
Enniville Mayor | 14.5 |
Ollie | 13.5 |
Cameron | 12.5 |
*Evangeline | 11 |
The Alien - Combines lines with The Skeleton | 10 |
*Evan | 9.5 |
Ace | 8 |
The Wonky Werewolf | 5 |
Dr. Hugh - Combines lines with Officer Feldman | 3 |
Dr. Carson | 2.5 |
Malcolm | 2.5 |
Mickey - Combines lines with Jay | 2 |
Courtney - Combines lines with Jo | 2 |
Phoenix - Combines lines with Finley | 2 |
Summer | 1 |
Ashley | 1 |

Cover graphic for printing

3D Printable Walkie Talkies!

All Characters

Xtra Audio Tracks
The Wrong Way Round
"What a great show to preform "Otis Wookey, Durlston court school, Lymiton
The Wrong Way Round
"This is a fantastic musical to preform the songs are catchy and have really captured the 80s style in music!"Hannah Graham , Lauder Primary School , Lauder
The Wrong Way Round
"Wow! What a show! It felt like we were putting on a real theatre musical with this show. The songs were the best we have ever performed and became huge hits around school with the children even requesting them at their leavers disco and performing the dances they choreographed. The feedback from parents was incredible. The script and sound effects were, as always, easy to follow and the addition of the new backgrounds really added to the overall effect. Thank you for once again providing an affordable and fun option for Year 6 to make special memories that hopefully last a lifetime. "Clare Snow, St Helens, Wakefield
The Wrong Way Round
"The songs are always great from Music Line productions, but the Wrong Way Around's songs captured the retro 80s vibes with current cool arrangements which made the whole school hum with excitement. One of the best productions we've ever had!"Dan Jenkins, St Thomas Primary School, Exeter
The Wrong Way Round
"I just wanted to get in touch to say how much the children enjoyed performing your new musical 'The Wrong Way Round'. The songs were brilliant and had a kind of 80s / High School Musical feel to them, which the children immediately engaged with and learned. The 'Sing It' app for the classroom was brilliant to help them learn karaoke style. Also, the availability of the songs on other platforms like YouTube and Spotify meant lots of children learned the words at home. There were a great group of characters and roles to suit all children's abilities. And the Scooby-Doo feel to the play with the big reveal at the end was loved by all the children and the adults. We had a couple of very able pupils working the sound effects, songs and backdrop JPEGs. They did not want to be centre-stage but this was a great challenge for them to take on this role. The sound effects also really added to professional feel of the play. Finally, the dance you made available for Scary Things was absolutely brilliant. We are by no means experts in dance choreography so this really helped us. The children, again, because of the virtual dancers, watched it at home as it appealed to them, and the whole cast ended up wanting to do the dance! Thank you again for your support at the beginning of the year. We changed our mind about the show and swapped to The Wrong Way Round, which Sarah supported us with so much. You offer such a great product and service. "Tracey Johnston, Fakenham Junior, Fakenham, Norfolk
The Wrong Way Round
"it is a good production for year 6s my class can't stop singing creep you out part one and two. They would really like a movie or play made or filmed so they know how to act. And they would just like to watch it for the giggles."ace, Riverside primary school, England
The Wrong Way Round
"These guys know how to write for year 6s! Absolutely blown away by the quality of this musical. My kids haven't stopped singing the songs and quoting lines from the characters! Considering how dramatic, impactful and fun this show is, it was still an absolute pleasure to produce. Pretty much all the hard work is already done for you. Thank you SO MUCH Steve, Ben and Musicline!"Alex Gray, Primary School Teacher