Musicline School Musicals
The Twelve Days Of Christmas Cover

The Twelve Days Of Christmas

by Malcolm Sircom

Pricing & Order Info.
Ideal Cast Size 97
Speaking Roles 37
Minimum Cast Size 37
Duration (minutes)50

Why choose this Musical?

37 speaking roles

Including several cameo parts; easily reduced or expanded.

Unlimited chorus parts

Flexible to stage

Simple scenery and very adaptable.

CD of Backing Tracks & Vocal Tracks available

Backing Tracks and separate Vocal Tracks on one easy to manage CD. No pianist required!

Piano Score available

Easily constructed and manageable props

Age range - Key Stage 2 Production (7-11 years)

The funniest Christmas show ever!

Linda Brown's boyfriend wins the lotto, and sends her the twelve traditional presents. How the Brown family copes with them is the basis of this warm-hearted adventure.

There is dad, a typical DIY enthusiast, who is kept busy building the homes for the various arrivals, harassed Mum, Gran, who lives in the past, and younger brother Kevin, only interested in his computer - until the milkmaids and dancing girls arrive.

Comic chaos reigns throughout. The French Hens do the Can-Can, the Calling Birds are Swiss yodellers, the neighbours revolt, and the Browns are forced to become New Age Travellers. Then Linda wakes up from the dream, and life gets back to normal - or does it?

Delightful original songs are interspersed with some well known tunes, and the music is just as humorous as the script.

A CD of backing tracks is recommended for rehearsal and/or performance : indeed, it is essential for schools without pipers or drummers. The CD also contains all the vocal tracks. Don't worry if your cast doesn't stretch to the numbers that would complete the full set (80 plus chorus!). There are plenty of options in the script for reductions to a suggested minimum of 40.

'The Twelve Days of Christmas' opens this Christmas musical and the narrators introduce the Brown family; Mum, Dad, Kevin, Linda and Gran who are preparing for another Christmas where mum is stressed, the son wants to play on the computer and the daughter is sitting by her phone waiting for a call from her boyfriend. Sounds familiar? However, it is at this point that their Christmas Day turns into something fairly unfamiliar...

When Linda receives the long-awaited phone call from Bob in Barbados and hears a Barbadian group sing 'The Virgin Mary had a Baby Boy' she discovers her boyfriend has won the lottery. Henceforth, for the next twelve days she receives weird and wonderful presents. Polly the Partridge arrives on the first day and Linda and her new bird sing 'The Partridge Song' as they become acquainted. Two turtle doves are next arriving and they bring tears to Gran's eyes as they coo 'Love Birds.' 'Three French Hens' follow which present a lovely contrast when the four calling birds that arrive the following day are from Switzerland and perform the 'Yodel song.'

The presents continue to arrive, and the five gold rings brings a lovely twist as the family are invited to the Olympics; a lovely modern equivalent! Six geese follow, and on the seventh day Linda opens the door to seven swans. At this point, the play includes two scripting choices so it is accessible for a small or large cast. The eighth present grabs Kevin's attention as eight milkmaids turn up at the doorstep and despite appearing disinterested until this point, the young teenager jumps to their assistance! Unfortunately, things don't go to plan when the milkmaids attempt to ride his skateboard and Kevin jumps to its protection! 'Why Can't a Girl Be Like a P.C.' is a witty song that follows.

Nine dancing girls are the next to arrive followed by ten leaping lords who perform 'They Were Only Playing Leap Frog.' Unfortunately, the birds begin to squabble amongst themselves but are luckily interrupted by the arrival of eleven pipers.

However their row did not go unheard and the neighbours present the Brown family with a petition to vacate their household. When the drummer boy enters as the twelfth present, no one is in the mood to welcome him in. However, the family are able to find a roof over their heads (albeit not what you'd expect) and 'Living On A Bus' keeps their spirits high.

Yet in an unexpected twist, Linda wakes up to find it has all been a horrible dream, but when that phone call arrives from Bob, he has some news which sounds horribly familiar to the whole of the Brown family...

The Browns

  • LINDA , the daughter
  • MR BROWN (Dad)
  • MRS BROWN (Mum)
  • GRAN
  • KEVIN, the younger brother.


  • BOB, Linda's boyfriend
  • PERCY, the postman,


  • POLLY, the Partridge
  • ROMEO and JULIET, Two Turtledoves
  • FOUR CALLING BIRDS (Swiss Yodeling Birds)
  • SEVEN SWANS NB Can be less, suggested minimum 4, or a SOLO SWAN
  • EIGHT MILKMAIDS NB Can be less, suggested minimum 4
  • NINE DANCING GIRLS NB Can be less, suggested minimum 4
  • TEN LORDS NB Can be less, suggested minimum 4
  • ELEVEN PIPERS NB Can be less, suggested minimum 4. See script for further suggestions
  • TWELVE DRUMMERS NB Can be less, suggested minimum 4. See script for further suggestions


(Which can include an optional West Indian group - with optional steel drums)


Is the Browns' home throughout, though one Scene can suggest a New-Age Travellers' settlement.

5 Star Rating

The Twelve Days Of Christmas

"I played Linda in our school production.I loved the show. I couldn't help laughing when I read my script!!! I recommend this to anyone. Everyone will enjoy it. Believe me. "
Maddy - Member of Cast.

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Instant Downloads allow you to pay online with a Credit/Debit Card or PayPal and instantly download your materials as PDFs and/or MP3s.

Product Name Product Price Qty
PDF Script US$15.00
PDF Piano Score US$15.00
MP3 Backing Tracks and Vocal Tracks US$18.00


The traditional means of getting your items. Most of our works are RING BOUND books or CDs of recorded music.

U.K. schools can order posted items with a school order number.
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Non U.K. posted items are sent express tracked airmail delivery anywhere in the world. Please allow 14 days for all international deliveries.

Product Name Product Price Qty
Script US$20.00
Pack of 5 Scripts US$65.00
Pack of 10 Scripts US$100.00
Piano Score US$19.00
CD of Backing & Vocal Tracks US$23.00

  Performing Licence: valid for 12 months from date of issue for THIS musical only

The Musicline Performing Licence covers you to perform this musical.

It is illegal to perform ANY published musical without the appropriate licence which is only available from the publisher of that musical.

'Blanket' licences which you may have DO NOT cover the performing of published musicals.

A performing licence is required for EACH PERFORMANCE.

For more information about Licensing, please click here

Size of your School Size Price per Performance Price Number of Performances Number
200+ Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$52.00
150-199 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$43.00
100-149 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$35.00
50-99 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$26.00
0-49 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$18.00
Theatre Group (any size) US$86.00

  Copying Licence: valid for 12 months from date of issue for THIS musical only

The Musicline Copying Licence covers you to copy ALL of any of the items you buy for this show either posted or downloaded.

This Licence is only available from the publisher of the copyright material.

It is illegal to reproduce or share ANY published material without the appropriate licence.

For more information about Licensing, please click here

Size of your School Size Price of Licence Price Qty Qty
200+ Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$52.00
150-199 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$43.00
100-149 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$35.00
50-99 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$26.00
0-49 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$18.00
Theatre Group (any size) US$86.00

  Video Licence: valid for 12 months from date of issue for THIS musical only

The Musicline Video Licence allows you to record your performances and sell the DVDs without royalty payments applying. The Video Licence is given FREE OF CHARGE if you order a Performing Licence and a Copying Licence at the same time. Only fill in the box below if you wish to purchase a video licence separately.

For more information about Licensing, please click here

Size of your School Size Price of Licence Price Qty Qty
200+ Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$52.00
150-199 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$43.00
100-149 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$35.00
50-99 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$26.00
0-49 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$18.00
Theatre Group (any size) US$86.00