Why choose this Musical?

29 Speaking roles

Flexible Cast size to suit YOUR group numbers, from 29 actors upwards. See "Casting" tab below for full instructions.

Separate CDs of Vocal and Backing tracks

Easy Play Piano/Vocal Score (Grade 4 Standard) available

Very easy to stage and teach

No problem props

Extensive production notes included in the script

Easy to costume

Any number of chorus parts

Age range: Key Stage 1-2 Production (5-11 years)

This show is ideal for mixed age range productions, as there are lots of non-speaking and small parts which infants can excel in, while your older pupils can play the main speaking roles.

NEW Sing It! Mk. 4 version, now with...

  • "Volume Control" feature
  • "Minimise Window" feature
  • "Lyrics Off" feature
  • "Vocals Off" feature
  • "Line by Line" practising feature
  • "Phrase by Phrase" practising feature

A BRAND NEW product; a CD-ROM or download of all the songs called "Sing it!" is available. This CD-ROM or download can teach the songs to the children without any teacher input. Children can use it at school or at home - think of the time it will save you! Most schools use it in class on an interactive white board or in the school hall on the overhead projector to allow full cast practice. Children LOVE learning this way and the product is foolproof.

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'I really appreciate the "Sing it!" component as we often use this in rehearsals.' Newborough East Primary, Victoria, Australia.
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It's a very cold and frosty Christmas Eve and Lisa, John and Chrissie are full of excitement about a visit from Santa.

As mum tries to settle them for bedtime, Lisa picks up her very tatty teddy and wishes he could be fixed just one more time.

The three children are soon sound asleep until a loud crash startles them and they go to investigate.

There in the living room is Father Christmas himself... a very clumsy Father Christmas who has broken mum's new teapot! There's only one thing for it! Santa must fly back to winter wonderland to get mum a new present.

After much pleading from the excitable trio, the children are soon accompanying Santa on his sleigh along with tatty ted.

At the Christmas Factory they meet a host of comical characters including busy elves, silly snowmen, talking toys and a very famous reindeer with a very shiny nose!

But can they replace mum's teapot and mend poor old tatty ted in time for Christmas morning?


The show opens with the atmospheric song "Cold, Cold Winter", which really sets the scene.

Children dressed as snowflakes glide through a frosty tree scape while Jack (or Jill!) Frost dances about with spiky movements.

A group of expectant children skip happily through the trees on their way home on Christmas Eve.

Scene One

It's Christmas Eve and a very excited Chrissie, John and Lisa are putting the finishing touches to the Christmas tree with the help of their parents.

Before too long Mum announces it is the children's bed time and Lisa picks up her VERY tatty Ted, remembering when Santa first brought him. With one ear torn, a missing eye and a loose leg, Mum is fearful that he can no longer be fixed. She tries to comfort Lisa by telling her that Santa may bring her a new one but Lisa just wants her Ted!

The family head up to bed and fall soundly asleep until a loud crash wakes the children and they decide to investigate.

The unsuspecting trio enter the living room with Lisa still clutching on to her beloved Tatty Ted and are dumbstruck at the sight before their weary eyes. Santa is standing in their living room!

After Santa shushes the children in fear that they will wake their parents, he apologises for disturbing them and explains that he has dropped and broken mum's present... a lovely new teapot.

John offers to fix the teapot with Dad's superglue but Santa is set on going back to Winter Wonderland to get her a new one as he can get there and back in a flash!

Intrigued by the mention of such a place, the excited siblings plead with Santa to take them with him.

Although it will mean a bit of a squash with 3 extra passengers, Santa agrees and instructs them to fetch their coats.

Scene Two

After a frosty sleigh ride they all enter Santa's Christmas factory where lots of elves are busy working away making toys.

A red racing car catches John's eye as he looks around while Chrissie is quite taken with a baby doll. Lisa on the other hand is still clinging on to her old, worn tatty Ted.

Seeing her close attachment to this beloved but worn out toy, Santa asks Lisa kindly if she would like to get Ted repaired by his elves and she gratefully accepts. They soon head over to the Menders' Workshop which is just beyond the field where the snowmen play and reindeer rest.

Scene Three

Several snowmen and women are happily playing with snowballs in a field, other than one snowman/woman who looks very miserable as they are concerned that spring is only around the corner.

After singing their song, the snow people discover that only one of them has a carrot nose! They head off to the greengrocers, while several reindeer enter discussing how bright Rudolphina's hooter is! Rudolphina however is less than happy about the way she looks until she is comforted by another (very famous) reindeer!

Scene Four

The children and Santa enter the Menders' shop where lots of other elves are busy sewing and glueing toys.

One of the Mender Elves approaches Lisa and examines Tatty Ted. He may look like he has been through a lot of battles but the Mender Elf assures the visitors that he can indeed be fixed... after all, Santa's Elves can fix anything!

During the Menders' shop song, Ted is taken away to be fixed while various other toys parade across the stage including Soldiers, Fairies and Clowns.

With Ted now fixed and a new teapot for Mum, Santa announces it is time to leave Winter Wonderland.

As they fly over rooftops carols can be heard and a Nativity Tableau forms on stage.

Scene Five

John, Lisa and their parents are back in the family living room eagerly waiting for Chrissie so that they can open their presents.

John opens his first, discovering the red racer he admired in the Christmas factory and Lisa opens hers to discover the baby doll Chrissie had pointed out.

As they discuss the strange events of the previous night and the magical menders that fixed Tatty Ted, Mum becomes amused.

She's been called some funny things before but never Santa's Mender! She was worried she wouldn't fix Ted in time for morning but weirdly, the time just seemed to stand still last night!

Speaking Roles By Number Of Lines

N.B. In the following list, the number shows the number of spoken lines each role has.

Character NameNumber of Lines
Mender 16
Worker 15
Narrator 35
Narrator 24
Snowman 24
Snowman 64
Narrator 13
Narrator 43
Narrator 53
Narrator 63
Snowman 43
Snowman 12
Snowman 32
Snowman 52
Worker 21
Mender 21
Mender 31
Mender 41

Suggested Cast List For 29 Actors

N.B. In the following list, the number shows the number of spoken lines each role has.

Character NameNumber of Lines
Narrator 3 - also reads Narrator 6's lines8
Narrator 2 - also reads Narrator 5's lines7
Snowman 2 - also reads Snowman 5's lines6
Snowman 6 - also reads Snowman 3's lines6
Narrator 1 - also reads Narrator 4's lines6
Mender 16
Worker 15
Snowman 43
Snowman 12
Worker 21
Mender 21
Mender 31
Mender 41

Non-speaking Roles: 4 Children and Jack/Jill Frost.

For this reduced cast, the other non-speaking roles are covered by actors doubling parts in the following way:
The 4 Reindeer also play Trees;
The 4 Snowmen/women also play Snowflakes;
Jack/Jill Frost & the 4 children from the Prelude Scene also play the Fairies, Cat, Mouse and Clown;
Workers 1 & 2 also play the mended Soldiers;
Menders 1-4 join Workers 1 & 2 in the earlier "Christmas Factory" Scene, and Mum, Dad, Chrissie, John & Lisa don simple shawls & headdresses to play the Nativity characters.

Neither the Pantomime Cow nor additional Elves or Dolls will be required.

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Product Name Product Price Qty
Script (Non-editable PDF) US$15.00
Script (Editable Word Doc) US$18.00
PDF & Word Doc Scripts US$22.00
PDF Easy Play Piano Score (Grade 4 Standard) US$15.00
MP3 Backing Tracks US$18.00
MP3 Vocal Tracks US$18.00
Sing it! (PC)What's this? US$18.00
Sing it! (MAC)What's this? US$18.00


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Product Name Product Price Qty
Script US$20.00
Pack of 5 Scripts US$65.00
Easy Play Piano Score (Grade 4 Standard) US$19.00
CD of Backing Tracks US$23.00
CD of Vocal Tracks US$23.00
Sing it! CD-ROM (PC & MAC)What's this? US$26.00

  Performing Licence: valid for 12 months from date of issue for THIS musical only

The Musicline Performing Licence covers you to perform this musical.

It is illegal to perform ANY published musical without the appropriate licence which is only available from the publisher of that musical.

'Blanket' licences which you may have DO NOT cover the performing of published musicals.

A performing licence is required for EACH PERFORMANCE.

For more information about Licensing, please click here

Size of your School Size Price per Performance Price Number of Performances Number
200+ Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$52.00
150-199 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$43.00
100-149 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$35.00
50-99 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$26.00
0-49 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$18.00
Theatre Group (any size) US$86.00

  Copying Licence: valid for 12 months from date of issue for THIS musical only

The Musicline Copying Licence covers you to copy ALL of any of the items you buy for this show either posted or downloaded.

This Licence is only available from the publisher of the copyright material.

It is illegal to reproduce or share ANY published material without the appropriate licence.

For more information about Licensing, please click here

Size of your School Size Price of Licence Price Qty Qty
200+ Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$52.00
150-199 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$43.00
100-149 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$35.00
50-99 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$26.00
0-49 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$18.00
Theatre Group (any size) US$86.00

  Video Licence: valid for 12 months from date of issue for THIS musical only

The Musicline Video Licence allows you to record your performances and sell the DVDs without royalty payments applying. The Video Licence is given FREE OF CHARGE if you order a Performing Licence and a Copying Licence at the same time. Only fill in the box below if you wish to purchase a video licence separately.

For more information about Licensing, please click here

Size of your School Size Price of Licence Price Qty Qty
200+ Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$52.00
150-199 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$43.00
100-149 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$35.00
50-99 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$26.00
0-49 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$18.00
Theatre Group (any size) US$86.00