Why choose this Musical?

This video below says it all...

Makes Shakespeare "Cool" and "Current"

Editable Word Doc Script available. Make your own changes

57 speaking roles

Easily reduced to 27 speaking roles. Flexible Cast size to suit YOUR group numbers, from 30 actors upwards. See "Casting" tab below for full instructions.

Any number of chorus parts

CD of Backing Tracks plus essential sound effects available

No pianist required! This CD includes ALL Backing Tracks, Incidental Music and Special Effects in the order you need them enabling production and direction to take place without specialist musical expertise.

CD of Vocal Tracks available for learning the songs

Sing it! "Karaoke-Style" learning! Check out the video below...

TOP TIP: unmute the video to have a listen and a sing along!

Full Performance Piano/Vocal score (Grade 6 Standard) available

Click "Performance Score" in the "Script & Songs" tab below.

"Very Easy Play Songs Only" Rehearsal Piano/Vocal Score (Grade 3 / 4 Standard) available

Click "Easy Play Score" in the "Script & Songs" tab below.

*** NEW *** Hear it. Copy it. Learn it!
Leanr it! Logo

"Learn it!" is an "Audio Book" style read-through of the entire show performed by professional voice actors. It teaches each child their lines, when to perform them and most importantly, HOW to perform them. The copy and repeat method is simply the best and quickest way to learn. An essential product for SEND cast members. The "Learn it!" product is available as downloadable MP3 files or as a standard Audio CD. Have a listen to a sample of the "Learn it!" product on the "Samples" tab below.

If you'd like a more in depth explaination about "Learn it!", check out this explainer video.

Duration: 45 - 50 minutes

Full Production Notes

Check out the "Production Notes" in the "Script Sample" below for full details of "Shakespeare Rocks!".

No Problem Props

Click "Script Sample" in the "Script & Songs" tab below for full listing.

Very easy to costume

Click "Script Sample" in the "Script & Songs" tab below.

Simple staging

Detailed in "Script Sample" below.

Links to New National Curriculum... English/History

Age range: Key Stage 2 Production (7-11 years)

Especially engaging for your Upper Juniors (9-11 years) - a Perfect Year 6 leavers' play.

NEW! Instant Scenery with our digital backdrops
A different backdrop for EVERY scene change

Supplied in both a PowerPoint presentation and as individual JPG files.

School Play Backdrop
No more Scenery Painting!

Shakespeare with style!

Aubrey, The Rough Shakespeare Company's pretentious director, obtains what appears to be William Shakespeare's lost diary. Along with Al, his down to earth assistant, the pair decide to embark on an exclusive adaption of the flamboyant Bard's personal journal.

"Shakespeare Rocks!" is a fresh, funny and up to date look at the life and times of William Shakespeare, with a cast of hilarious historical characters, amusing glimpses into some of his works and how he came 'To Be'.

The seven superb songs are exciting, modern and full of energy. They include everything you would want children to know about Shakespeare and the Elizabethan era but, are so 'cool' that they are not only informative, they are guaranteed to enthuse pupils, parents and teachers alike!

Spread the word... Shakespeare didn't just write... he rocked!


The show is introduced by Aubrey, the director of the Rough Shakespeare Company, and his assistant Al. They welcome the audience to their exclusive adaption of William Shakespeare's secret diary which they claim to have found. Aubrey begins to read the first extract from the diary as we move to Scene One.

Scene One: 1593 - Will's Study In Stratford

Will is furiously ranting to his family about a bad review he has recently received. He vows to rebuff his critics by becoming a writer so famous that school children will be forced to study his work for centuries to come!

Scene Two: 1595 - London

The song 'Will's Wonderful Words' is performed in the streets by a group of 'cool' Minstrels in sunglasses. Will is now, indeed, rather famous and is constantly chased throughout the song by a legion of fans until he reaches the safety of his study.

Scene Three: A Rehearsal Room

It's audition time in the rehearsal rooms for the female roles. Since no women were allowed to perform on stage at the time, this is quite a difficult process. Will entrusts the loud mouthed, arrogant star of the theatre company, Richard 'Burley' Burbage to take on the task. A farce ensues when a group of Men-Dressed-As-Women with beards and hairy chests try to quote some female lines. The scene gets more ridiculous as a group of Women-Disguised-As-Men-Dressed-As-Women try to infiltrate the audition. The song 'No Girls Allowed' is performed.

Scene Four: 1599 - The Globe Theatre

The finishing touches to the Globe theatre are underway in preparation for the grand opening performance of Henry the Fifth. The song 'Show In The Globe' Is performed before the grand entrance of Queen Elizabeth 1 followed by a group of pesky paparazzi painters hoping for a quick 'sketch'. After an exchange of words between Will and the builders about the extortionate cost, the audience settles down and the beer and apple sellers peddle their wares as the show starts.

Scene Five: 1613 - A Rehearsal Room In London

The cast of Macbeth are rehearsing a scene. Unfortunately, because they are so superstitious, they cannot mention Macbeth by name in case it brings them bad luck. They perform the song 'Don't Mention Mac' just before Macbeth's name is mentioned. Desperate to reverse the bad luck, the Superstitious Sorcerers claim that the only solution is to spin around three times, then say a naughty word. The cast agree to do this but, just before they get chance to say it, Bernie Bottom - the cannon operator - enters the scene with bad news. The Globe Theatre has burnt down!

Scene Six: The Smouldering Ruins Of The Globe Theatre

In the smoked filled remains of the Globe theatre, secret lovers Romeo and Juliet find each other amongst the scorched debris. A Lutenist and Recorder Player enter, trying to find their beloved instruments before stumbling across the besotted pair. The musical Minstrels are shocked to discover that Juliet is, in fact, a real woman and not a Man-Dressed-As-A-Woman. After a charred recorder and a burnt lute are reunited with their owners the song 'Romeos And Juliets' is performed. Will and Anne enter, touched by the love song that they overheard. Will agrees to keep Juliet's secret and even renames his play 'Roger & Janet' after the love struck duo. After a decision to rebuild the Globe, the song 'All The World's A Stage' is performed.

Scene Seven: Will's Bedroom

Will, who is now getting old and is not feeling very well, is attempting to make himself look younger. Anne insists Will rests and he retires to bed where he stumbles upon 'a new-fangled' pencil which inspires one of his most famous quotes. The song 'To Be Or Not To Be' is performed as the finale by the whole cast.

Suggested Cast List For 73 Actors

N.B. In the following list, the number shows how many SPOKEN lines each role has. An asterisk (*) before the character's name indicates that this character ALSO has solo sung or rapped lines.

Character NameNumber of Lines
Recorder Player10
Queen 10
Sorcerer 44
Painter 44
Beer Seller4
Fan 13
Fan 23
Fan 33
Fan 43
Man 13
Sorcerer 53
Actor 13
Actor 43
Man 22
Woman 12
Sorcerer 12
Sorcerer 22
Sorcerer 32
Painter 12
Painter 22
Painter 32
Builder 12
Apple Seller2
Man 31
Man 41
Woman 21
Woman 31
Woman 41
Actor 21
Actor 31
Builder 21

Non speaking roles: - *Minstrels 1-4 (Rappers) plus four (miming) Instrumentalist Minstrels, four more Builders, another apple seller and another beer seller. Also four Theatregoers and two Box Office Attendants, some of whom also play the Chorus of Fans in Scene 6.

Suggested Cast List For 30 Actors

N.B. In the following list, the number shows how many SPOKEN lines each role has. An asterisk (*) before the character's name indicates that this character ALSO has solo sung or rapped lines.

Character NameNumber of Lines
also plays *Juliet
also plays Actor 2, covering Actor 4's lines and also plays Mac
also plays Actor 1 & Actor 3
Woman 2
also plays Director
Man 1
also plays Man 3 and Banquo
also plays *Minstrel 1, *Minstrel 3, Trumpet Player 1 & Drum Player
Recorder Player
also plays *Minstrels 2 and *4, Trumpet Player 2 & Cymbal Player
Man 2
also plays Man 4 and Bernie
Fan 1
covers Fan 3's lines and also plays Builder 1
Fan 2
covers Fan 4's lines and also plays Builder 2
Sorcerer 1
covers Sorcerer 3 and Sorcerer 5's lines
Woman 1
also plays Beth
Sorcerer 2
covers Sorcerer 4's lines
Painter 2
covers Painter 4's lines
Painter 1
covers Painter 3's lines and also plays Heckler
Woman 3
covers Woman 4's lines and also plays Apple-Seller
Beer Seller4
also plays Babs
also plays Beryl

Non speaking roles: - Two Theatregoers and one Box Office Attendant, all of whom also play the Chorus of Fans in Scene 6.

Resource Image

"Shakespeare" Word Image

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Resource Image

Book Cover Artwork

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Alternate Book Cover Artwork

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Resource Image

Will Shakespeare Head Image

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5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"This is by far the best musical for kids and youth I have ever seen or directed. The music was wonderful and the kids sang their hearts out! Wonderful, everyone should do this musical."
Vicki Vickers, Bacon Theater Children's Playhouse/Bacon County Schools, Alma, Georgia, USA

5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"The children thoroughly enjoyed staging the play and the songs were sung by all of the children wherever they went! Parents and staff were amazed at what the children were able to accomplish and we are certainly going to be performing another this year! "
Sharon Osborne, St Josephs Catholic Primary School, Broadstairs

5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"I really like the songs and it is very catchy so you should convince lots of other schools to do it"
Zane collie, Glenbrook school, Waiuku

5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"Great play, funny for all "
Sam Rowe, Trinity Primary school, portishead

5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"Outstanding songs! Funny script! What an amazing show! The year 5 & 6 children loved performing it and the parents had a laugh out loud evening of entertainment! "
Year 6 Teacher, Surrey

5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"We have our first show last night and what an evening that was! This was our very first musical we ever put on and I am so glad I chose this musical. The play is funny and songs not only catchy but also educational. There were 91 students (58 in the cast and 33 in the choir) and more than 6 teachers involved. I cannot thank you enough for creating this musical. We all looooved the show and my students absolutely adored it. We will definitely be coming back to Musicline. Jin Hee Choi, Music Teacher, Greenfield Park International "
Jin Hee Choi, Greenfield Park Primary International, Greenfield Park

5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"I love the play sooo much!!! I am also playing Nic who is an amazing part. I love all the songs and the script it self. In my opinion it is a great way to educate young people my age in a very halarious and up beat way. Iove all of the song's especially no girls allowed and Romeos and Juliets! Truthfully, I will keep the script and the songs as a life long memories, I even have my own folder just for Shakespeare Rock's. At my school I am known as the Shakespeare Rock's master because I know so much about it!! I love Steve Titfords new entre Darwin rock's. Thank you so much for this amazing play!!!!!!!! ?"
Secrete P, Rainbow prim, London

5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"I love this cuz my school are doing this for our Leavers play. I get to be Nic even though I am a girl and I am SOOO excited and happy. Thx sooooo much! ??"
JAQ, Bidborough, Tunbridge

5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"my school have just assigned parts, turns out i am juliet. the script is very funny, and the songs are very catchy. EVERYBODY is singing the songs whilst walking down the halway!"

5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"This production is an absolute stunner from start to finish. The backing tracks complement wonderfully written songs, and there are plenty of laughs to be had along the way. Very easy to stage and honestly just an incredibly well written production. Would highly recommend - our Year 5s are still singing the songs 6 months later!"
Jamie Wilson, Linton Heights Junior School, Cambridge

5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"We are performing this brilliant play in two weeks time. I am in Year 6 and playing Romeo, who has the wonderful solo with Juliet. All the facts are right from Shakesperian times! I am really enjoying rehearsing this play and all the songs are great - especially 'Show in the Globe' and 'No Girls Allowed'. We have included the whole of KS2 and even the seven and eight year olds (Year 3) have some good parts as well, including the Minstrels and Fans. It has been a really fun and enjoyable time practising the play. Steve Titford has made some really great songs and I would like to thank everybody at Musicline Productions for giving us an awesome end of term musical. "
George Towl, Clapham Terrace Community Primary School and Nursery , Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire

5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"You uncorked a veritable genie from a bottle with this fantastic idea and thank you for all the joy you gave, the up-tempo modern kick, the literary links and the sheer feel-good vibe that gave our school such a boost. Your songs just keep rolling around my head. Brilliant and thank you!"
Lance Andrews, Yateley Manor Prep School, Hants

5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"brilliant play with funny parts songs are brilliant especially to be or not to be 5/5 from y6 at westfield community primary school "
y6, westfield primary school , wombourne

5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"we are currently practising it at school and I am babs and I love the songs they are all really catchy long but easy to remember and I have been singing them everywhere I go as they are stuck in my head especially no girls allowed and don't mention mac but they are all great, definitely 5 stars without any long thoughts!!!!!! im keeping the script for a life time! steve tiford, please write another funny, charming script as I love your sense of humour!"
?, ?, ?

5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"exelent i love the songs i am doing the play at school!"
kortney, glebe school, ickenham

5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"I think it is a wonderful play to perform. I was a fan in the show and I had to have makeup on! I got look on the script it was amazing. I really like Steve Titford. They are amazing and realistic!"
Beatrice Ewins, Rose Hill, Tunbridge Wells

5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"I just wanted to let you know that we are rehearsing for your brilliant show 'Shakespeare Rocks'. The children really love the songs, and laugh at all the jokes. The 'Sing it!' package with the CD-ROM has been so useful in teaching the songs. The whole school is involved in the production, and all their topic work at the moment is based on Shakespeare. They have learned so many facts from your songs... and have enjoyed the challenge of finding out where your 'artistic licence' does take over! The singing on the CD is excellent."
Stella Mcgann - Music/Drama teacher, St Werburgh's Catholic Primary School, Birkenhead

5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"We are currently working on it. I am Romeo and I am love in it, even though I have to play a boy! I really recommend it."
Hrouse, Wjs, Chelmsford

5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"Definitely the best script I have ever read."
Nicola Laud, Year 6 teacher, Lincolnshire

5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"An utterly brilliant introduction to Shakespeare; oh... those songs!"
Year 6 teacher, Rayleigh, Essex

5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"If this doesn't engage children and have them eating out of our hands, then nothing will! "
Kim Biggs, Music Teacher, Holbeach CP School

5 Star Rating

Shakespeare Rocks!

"We loved the fact that the "Word Doc." Script enabled us to adapt the production to our own needs, namely, the inclusion of extra scenes so every class from Reception to Year 6 could be included. Our children loved the songs and we now wait with bated breath for Steve Titford's next offering."
Kenneth Kies , Headteacher, Eden Park Primary School, Brixham, Devon

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Instant Downloads allow you to pay online with a Credit/Debit Card or PayPal and instantly download your materials as PDFs and/or MP3s.

Product Name Product Price Qty
Script (Non-editable PDF) US$15.00
Script (Editable Word Doc) US$18.00
PDF & Word Doc Scripts US$22.00
PDF Performance Piano Score (Grade 6 Standard) US$18.00
PDF Easy Play Piano Score (Grade 3/4 Standard) US$15.00
MP3 Backing Tracks US$18.00
MP3 Vocal Tracks US$18.00
MP3 Learn it!What's this? US$18.00
Sing it! (PC)What's this? US$18.00
Sing it! (MAC)What's this? US$18.00
Project it! (PowerPoint and JPGs)What's this? US$26.00


The traditional means of getting your items. Most of our works are RING BOUND books or CDs of recorded music.

U.K. schools can order posted items with a school order number.
This facility is available at the end of the ordering process.

All UK posted orders are now sent via Royal Mail's 24 hour, fully tracked service. You will receive a tracking number via email once we have despatched your goods.

Non U.K. posted items are sent express tracked airmail delivery anywhere in the world. Please allow 14 days for all international deliveries.

Product Name Product Price Qty
Script US$20.00
Pack of 5 Scripts US$65.00
Pack of 10 Scripts US$100.00
Performance Piano Score (Grade 6 Standard) US$23.00
Easy Play Rehearsal Piano Score (Grade 3/4 Standard) US$19.00
CD of Backing Tracks US$23.00
CD of Vocal Tracks US$23.00
CD of Learn it!What's this? US$23.00
Sing it! CD-ROM (PC & MAC)What's this? US$26.00
Project it! CD-ROMWhat's this? US$33.00

  Performing Licence: valid for 12 months from date of issue for THIS musical only

The Musicline Performing Licence covers you to perform this musical.

It is illegal to perform ANY published musical without the appropriate licence which is only available from the publisher of that musical.

'Blanket' licences which you may have DO NOT cover the performing of published musicals.

A performing licence is required for EACH PERFORMANCE.

For more information about Licensing, please click here

Size of your School Size Price per Performance Price Number of Performances Number
200+ Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$52.00
150-199 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$43.00
100-149 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$35.00
50-99 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$26.00
0-49 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$18.00
Theatre Group (any size) US$86.00

  Copying Licence: valid for 12 months from date of issue for THIS musical only

The Musicline Copying Licence covers you to copy ALL of any of the items you buy for this show either posted or downloaded.

This Licence is only available from the publisher of the copyright material.

It is illegal to reproduce or share ANY published material without the appropriate licence.

For more information about Licensing, please click here

Size of your School Size Price of Licence Price Qty Qty
200+ Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$52.00
150-199 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$43.00
100-149 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$35.00
50-99 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$26.00
0-49 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$18.00
Theatre Group (any size) US$86.00

  Video Licence: valid for 12 months from date of issue for THIS musical only

The Musicline Video Licence allows you to record your performances and sell the DVDs without royalty payments applying. The Video Licence is given FREE OF CHARGE if you order a Performing Licence and a Copying Licence at the same time. Only fill in the box below if you wish to purchase a video licence separately.

For more information about Licensing, please click here

Size of your School Size Price of Licence Price Qty Qty
200+ Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$52.00
150-199 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$43.00
100-149 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$35.00
50-99 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$26.00
0-49 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$18.00
Theatre Group (any size) US$86.00