Click HERE to read the Script, look at the Score and listen to the Songs
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
by Craig Hawes
Pricing & Order Info.
Why choose this Musical?
38 Speaking Roles
Can be reduced to 24 speaking roles, see "Casting" tab below for full instructions.
Unlimited chorus parts
Easy to stage and costume
Sing it! "Karaoke-Style" learning! Check out the video below...
TOP TIP: unmute the video to have a listen and a sing along!
CD of Backing Tracks & CD of Vocal Tracks available
No pianist required! Both these CDs include Overture, ALL Songs, Special Effects, Play Ons and Play Offs in the order you need them enabling production and direction to take place without specialist musical expertise.
Dance it! Choreography done for you! Check out the video below...
TOP TIP: unmute the video to have a watch and a boogie!
*** NEW *** Hear it. Copy it. Learn it!

"Learn it!" is an "Audio Book" style read-through of the entire show performed by professional voice actors. It teaches each child their lines, when to perform them and most importantly, HOW to perform them. The copy and repeat method is simply the best and quickest way to learn. An essential product for SEND cast members. The "Learn it!" product is available as downloadable MP3 files or as a standard Audio CD. Have a listen to a sample of the "Learn it!" product on the "Samples" tab below.
If you'd like a more in depth explaination about "Learn it!", check out this explainer video.
Full Performance Piano/Vocal Score available (Grade 5 / 6 Standard)
Encompasses Overture, ALL Play Ons and Play Offs, Songs, Link Music, Cues and Chord Symbols. Click "Performance Score" in the "Script & Songs" tab below.
Easy Play Rehearsal Piano/Vocal Score available (Grade 2 / 3 Standard)
Click "Easy Play Score" in the "Script & Songs" tab below.
Easily manageable props
Age range: 7 years +
Schools: Especially engaging for your Upper Juniors (9-11 years) - a Perfect Year 6 leavers' play.
Theatre Groups: Fantastic for your Juniors, but all parts can be played by any age!
NEW! Instant Scenery with our digital backdrops
A different backdrop for EVERY scene change
Supplied in both a PowerPoint presentation and as individual JPG files.

No more Scenery Painting!
Prefer "Live" music? "Band Parts" Now Available
Why not let your children play along with the pianist or backing tracks.
They could even play along for some or all of the rehearsals/performances.
If your children have instrumental lessons, this is a wonderful opportunity for them to play in front of a live audience.
What an incentive to practise!
All the individual parts work well with piano, keyboard or backing tracks.
All tried - All tested - Everything Works!
This show is sold with the following parts:
- Full Conductor's Score (All parts written at Concert Pitch)
- C + 8ve Lead (Flute)
- C Lead (Violin)
- Bb Lead (Clarinet - Trumpet etc.)
- Eb Lead ( Alto Saxophone)
- Keyboard 1
- Keyboard 2
- Electric Guitar
- Bass Guitar
- Drum Set
To view, click "HERE" or click "Band Parts" in the "Scripts & Songs" tab below.
NEW! Costume Accessories & Props!
Check them out in the 'Props' tab below

Anchors away and set sail for swashbuckling pirate adventure on the high seas in this piratical musical that's sure to shake your booty! Young twins Jack & Liza Periwinkle yearn for adventure, so imagine their joy at discovering a real life treasure map! But when the infamous Redbeard and his pungent Pirates of the Curry Bean steal the map and kidnap their mother, the race is on to rescue her, reclaim the map and find the treasure! Accompanied by their faithful cat Fiddlesticks, the twins join a mad admiral and his crazy crew on a voyage of adventure that takes them from Old London Docks to the mysterious island of Lumbago in the sea of Sciatica! Will they be first to find the treasure chest, or is a surprise awaiting them that's even better than gold? With colourful characters, sparkling songs and a witty script as sharp as a cutlass, this show is dripping with piratical style!
In the prologue, our narrator Deadeye Dinghy sets the scene with a tale of a mysterious pirate, Captain Swaggersword, who disappeared many years ago leaving his chest of treasure hidden in a far and distant land. The action immediately switches to the Squirty Squid dockside tavern in Old London Town, where the ensemble sing 'Pot Of Gold'. We soon meet the Periwinkle family - feisty landlady Pearl, her fun-loving twins Jack and Liza and their rat-catching cat, Fiddlesticks. It becomes clear that Pearl dislikes all things nautical, ever since her husband Stanley was lost at sea. Deadeye also enters the scene as the children's pirate uncle, whom Pearl disapproves of and quickly ushers out before he can cause any trouble. However, the meddling Deadeye leaves a treasure map on the table, telling the audience "Causing trouble? Why, I've only just started!"
Redbeard and his bumbling pirate crew of the ship "The Curry Bean" (named after their love of curry and beans) enter the tavern and overhear the Periwinkles talking about the map. After they leave, the family lock the map in the safe and Pearl tells the children of an island their father used to speak of (Lumbago, in the sea of Sciatica) as she sings 'Lumbago Lullaby'. As Pearl settles to sleep in the tavern, the pirates return in a comical midnight raid. Amazingly they succeed in blowing the safe, stealing the map and accidentally kidnapping a very cross Pearl.
Deadeye takes us to Old London Docks the next morning, where a worried Jack, Liza and Fiddlesticks are searching for the pirates that took their mum and their map. We meet the long suffering Captain Cod, the newly appointed (and completely incompetent) Admiral Horatio Hornhonker and their crazy crew of sailors. We also meet the hilarious oddjob men, Scuttle and Slack, whom Captain Cod manages to press gang into his crew. When Cod is attacked by a gang of rats, Jack and Liza offer him the services of Fiddlesticks in return for passage upon his ship. Cod calls his crew and passengers together ready to set sail on the good ship "The Crunchy Frog" and all sing 'Anchors Away!'
Aboard the Curry Bean, Redbeard is quite taken with Pearl and invites her to join his pirate crew, to which she agrees in exchange for safe return to her children in London. She and her children, though far apart, sing of their longing to see each other again in 'Underneath The Same Starry Sky'. Back onboard 'The Crunchy Frog', Hornhonker is sea sick, Cod is plagued by rats and Scuttle and Slack are causing mayhem. Cod licks his crew into shape and a fun mop dance follows. The next scene has the captains of both ships spotting each other through telescopes. After a comical sending and receiving of messages, the two ships meet and a dramatic slow motion battle follows. The pirates take over the Crunchy Frog, imprisoning Cod, Hornhonker and the reunited Periwinkle family. Redbeard invites everyone to join the pirate life and they sing 'Piratical Style'. Down in the hold, the prisoners are rescued by a well-meaning Scuttle and Slack, but in the attempt they accidentally pull out the plug from the bottom of the boat. With water pouring in, a sudden storm seals their fate as the ship is wrecked.
All wash ashore on the island of Lumbago, where each group in turn finds the treasure map but is chased by monkeys before they can search for the hidden loot. Finally, Scuttle and Slack dig up the chest before being chased by an enormous gorilla. The different groups eventually meet and are welcomed by the natives with the song 'Lumbago'. Chief Wonga appears and sentences the trespassers to death, but when Pearl attacks him with a wet fish he is brought to his senses. Wonga reveals that he is Pearl's missing husband, and the children learn that their father was once the legendary pirate Swaggersword. Scuttle and Slack enter with the chest and Jack and Liza help to unlock it. Redbeard attempts to steal the treasure but his crew turn against him, making the Periwinkles their new leaders. The new pirates agree to return Cod and crew back to England, and Redbeard is suitably punished in an unusual way. A reprise of 'Piratical Style' provides a joyful ending to the show.
Suggested Cast List For 44 Actors (& 1 Adult!)
N.B. In the following list, the number shows how many spoken lines each role has. An asterisk (*) before the character's name indicates that this character ALSO has solo or featured sung lines.
Character Name | Number of Lines |
* Pearl Periwinkle | 103 |
* Captain Cod | 94 |
* Captain Redbeard | 79 |
Scuttle | 74 |
Slack | 65 |
Admiral Horatio Hornhonker | 63 |
Deadeye Dinghy | 61 |
* Jack Periwinkle | 55 |
* Liza Periwinkle | 50 |
Loopy Louie | 38 |
Stanley Periwinkle/Chief Wonga | 25 |
Mr. Pratt | 17 |
Squawk the Parrot | 17 |
Lookout Lofty | 16 |
Mr. Wally | 15 |
Baggywrinkle | 14 |
Blunderbuss | 13 |
Bunghole | 12 |
Barnacles | 11 |
Bullyrag | 11 |
Bilboe | 10 |
Bilge | 10 |
Broadside | 10 |
Fathom | 7 |
Fender | 7 |
Fluke | 5 |
Gooseneck | 5 |
Grog | 5 |
Cutthroat Clegg | 4 |
Gibbet | 4 |
Tack/Seller 2 | 4 |
Tick/Seller 1 | 4 |
Toe/Seller 3 | 4 |
Fiddlesticks the Cat | 3 |
Ping | 3 |
Pong | 3 |
Waff | 3 |
Wiff | 3 |
Non-speaking roles: Reggie Rat / Macky Monkey, Rickie Rat / Minty Monkey, Robbie Rat / Matty Monkey, Rocky Rat / Mickey Monkey, Roddy Rat / Macy Monkey, Ronnie Rat / Monty Monkey.
Gorilla (very briefly in Scene 8) played by a willing adult.
Suggested Cast List For 26 Actors (& 1 Adult!)
N.B. In the following list, the number shows how many spoken lines each role has. An asterisk (*) before the character's name indicates that this character ALSO has solo or featured sung lines.
Character Name | Number of Lines |
* Pearl Periwinkle | 103 |
* Captain Cod | 94 |
Deadeye Dinghy also plays Stanley Periwinkle/Chief Wonga (in same costume. See note below) | 86 |
* Captain Redbeard | 79 |
Scuttle | 74 |
Slack | 65 |
Admiral Horatio Hornhonker | 63 |
* Jack Periwinkle | 55 |
* Liza Periwinkle | 50 |
Loopy Louie | 38 |
Baggywrinkle covers Barnacles' lines | 25 |
Blunderbuss covers Bullyrag's lines | 24 |
Bunghole covers Bilge's lines | 22 |
Lookout Lofty covers Fluke's lines | 21 |
Broadside covers Bilboe's lines | 20 |
Mr. Pratt | 17 |
Squawk the Parrot | 17 |
Mr. Wally | 15 |
Pong covers Ping, Tack/Seller 2 & Toe/Seller 3's lines | 14 |
Fathom covers Grog's lines | 12 |
Fender covers Gibbet's lines | 11 |
Wiff covers Waff & Tick/Seller 1's lines | 10 |
Cutthroat Clegg covers Gooseneck's lines | 9 |
Fiddlesticks the Cat | 3 |
Non-speaking roles: Robbie Rat / Matty Monkey, Ronnie Rat / Monty Monkey.
Gorilla (very briefly in Scene 8) played by a willing adult.
Note: With this cast reduction there will be occasions when lines may need to be reallocated, amended or deleted to compensate for the removal of characters such as sailors, pirates and natives.
For example:- in Scene 2 (pages 21/22) delete lines for Barnacles, Bullyrag, Bilboe and Bunghole. Also on pages 21-23 the actor playing Bunghole reads Bilge's lines only and follows Bilge's stage directions. Similarly the actor playing Broadside will need to follow the stage directions for Bilboe on these pages.
:- in Scene 3 (page 25) delete Fluke, Gooseneck, Gibbet and Grog's lines during the sailors' roll call.
:- in Scene 8 (page 56) lines will need to be deleted due to the removal of Ping and Waff. Also on this page Toe's line needs to be amended.
The actor playing both Stanley and Deadeye will need a different hat for each character so the audience can distinguish which one he is playing.
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"Pirate of the Curry Bean is a fantastic play. The script is hilarious, the characters are memorable and the songs are so catchy! The resources available are brilliant: the Dance It! videos, Sing It! programme and backdrops have all made the process of putting on a large-scale Year 6 show so much easier. I highly recommend this show! "Sarah Harper, NLCS (Singapore), Singapore
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"The kids have loved rehearsing it and the parents were laughing, crying and cheering as the children left the stage. An absolute stonker of a production. We always love a bum and fart joke and there are plenty of those to keep even the most amused person laughing. "Iso Aplin, Goldstone Primary School , Hove
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"An action packed and VERY funny show that keeps the audience on their toes listening for the next joke to drop. Our Year 6 students did the full show - 90 minutes to perform, with lots of very funny dialogue. I'm very impressed with the production package, and made excellent use of the Dance It component. We localised some parts of the script, and had great audience response. Students thoroughly enjoyed performing the catchy songs, and still sing Lumbago whenever possible! The variety of musical styles is endearing - something for everyone! And the mop dance ... absolute genius! I look forward to staging another Musicline production soon!"Maria Chadwick, Port Melbourne Primary School, Port Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"Great lots of fun exciting parts and a great adventure story"Sophie, Widnes
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"Fantastic. We adapted it for 90 Year 2s to perform and it was a huge success."Briar Hill, Leamington, bH, wareick
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"This was a joy to perform. The songs are fun and catchy, and the dance routine videos were such a helpful thing to have. The children loved it and the parents were talking about how good it was for days. It's quite long. We had an interval after Scene 4 which worked well and ensured the children had enough energy to carry it right through to the end. I would highly recommend this."Helen Rogers, St Giles CE Primary School, Matlock, Matlock
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"Our children loved this show from the first day they saw it to the final performance. They practised in their break times without being asked! It was a fabulous way to end the school year. The songs were brilliant and the characters were very funny. Amazing! Thank you!"Sharon Osborne, Ysgol Bro Dewi, St Davids
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"We have just completed performing this. A cast of 50 ranging from Year 3 - Year 6. This was an amazing production which was well received. Our audiences are still raving. Loved it!"Natalie Bond, Port Elliot Primary School , Port Elliot
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"FANTASTIC "Ajay Shivaraj, crook log, LONDON
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"Simply good the year 4s loved performing they would love to do it again "David Alston, Crescent academy, Meir stoke on tent
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"We have just had the most fantastic few days performing Pirates of the Curry Bean. The script is hilarious, the songs very catchy, and the digital backdrops were amazing. Such good feedback from the audience. Craig Hawes, you are a genius!"Sarah Young, KATS (Kids Acting and Theatre Skills), Colchester
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"When told the theme of this year's musical involved pirates , my students were in! A hilarious script, amazing songs, fun dance numbers and simple set changes make for a fantastic experience for students and director. Long after the final curtain call we are still humming those tunes! Cheers to Craig Hawes for making this possible and here's to hoping he keeps on writing more hits! "M. O'Neill Delano, Nelson Rural School, Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"Love rehearsals, It's so much fun! Our year 6 class is doing it for our leavers' assembly. Everyone's having a laugh, its brilliant! "Ruben obasi, Yr6, London
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"I love this play. We're doing it as our Leavers' Play at the end of Y6. In the play, I'm playing the character 'Liza Periwinkle', I'm excited to do the full thing! "Zaynab, Ridge Primary School, Lancaster
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"So Funny! Rehearsals have been great! I play Mr. Pratt and I loved it! Songs are easy to learn. Thank You!"Jude, Weston Turville C.E. School, Aylesbury
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
""Amazing!" I am learning the play at the moment and I am loving rehearsals. In the play i am playing the character "Deadeye Dinghy". I Love It!"Abigail Wilson, Cluny Primary School, Inverurie,Aberdeenshire
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"What a fab show! Put together in two weeks by our amazing Key Stage 2 team, the show was flexible enough to provide speaking/acting roles for all 70 pupils in years five and six. Very witty script with jokes for children of all ages and catchy singable songs, sung with gusto by the year 3/4 choir. The children and audience had a ball and It made an ideal Panto. Looking forward to something new for next year?! Thanks so much - a Teacher's dream!"Helen Garratt, Little Chalfont Primary, Little Chalfont, buckinghamshire
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"We just finished our summer workshop with "Pirates of the Curry Bean". Every kid had a ball and just loved doing the show! The audience had as much fun as the kids and couldn't stop laughing. Everyone loved the music and dances...just a superlative show in every way with a great story line too!"Charlotte, Players Kids OnStage
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"A perfect end to the primary phase ! My Year 6 class, colleagues, whole school and parents loved the whole hilarious show. I doubt I will ever be able to top this performance. Thank You!"Mary Edwards, St Philip's CE Primary School, Litherland
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"This show was perfectly pitched for upper junior children, with enough cameo roles for a large Year 6 cohort all to have their 5 minutes of fame. The script was hilarious and gave the children real confidence that what they were performing was truly entertaining. We will definitely be purchasing more Craig Hawes productions; they're worth their weight in gold! The songs were written in children's voice ranges and were easy to learn, making the production far less arduous and far more enjoyable than it usually is! We have had nothing but praise from audience members. A fantastic play; I thoroughly recommend it."Wooden Hill Primary School
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"Our daughter played Redbeard last night in her school's Year 6 leavers performance and the show was fantastic ! Laughs aplenty from start to finish and abundent scope for hilarious casting - we particularly liked the wimpy, posh Admiral and of course Redbeard ! A fabulous show enjoyed by both the cast and parents !"Mrs Evans, Fulfen Primary, Burntwood Staffs
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"A great show enjoyed by all of the Year 3 and 4 performers as well as staff and parents. The Children will remember this play for a long time. The sound effects were great and added to the humour of the play. We saw a different side to our children. We have a few budding actors! Thank you!"St Thomas More Redditch
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"We loved doing 'Pirates'! We had a cast of 84, 3 to 11 year olds fully involved and most of them were girls, as our little boys are only in Kindergarten at the moment. The jokes were great and the soundtrack made the whole performance professional yet straightforward to do. A fabulous romp, greatly enjoyed by us all. Thank you!"Ann Johnson, Roch House Prep School, Abbots Bromley, Staffs
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"A great show full of fun and appalling puns! Lots of opportunities for visual humour and some really catchy music. I was anxious that the Nigerian audience wouldn't get the jokes, but I needn't have worried - they loved it!"Tim Gardner, Lagos Prep School, Nigeria
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"On this production you work your very own socks off but have a great day rehersing and making the props! This takes you from London to Lumbago (in the sea of Sciatica). In this play i played the pirate 'Broadside' and i really enjoyed it, and i hope i get to do this again! Hope you like it."Alice, St Mary's Langho RC Primary School, Blackburn
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"I love this play especially that I will be doing it. Our rehearsals have been great. This is the best play ever performed by KS2."Aaron, Fredercick Bird Primary School, Coventry
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"The children could not stop laughing throughout the rehearsals. It is a perfect choice for older key stage 2 children. We managed to perform it with only 22 cast members as it was easily adapted. The songs are fun and easy to learn. It is very well written with excellent stage directions and ideas for props. Overall a huge success and the parents seemed to love it - "Best one in years!" I would definitely reccomend this to all Primary (and younger Secondary) Schools."Jo Impey, Itchingfield Primary School, Horsham
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"I think it is the funniest thing in the galaxy. I love it!"Matilda Harris, St Peter's Methodist Primary School, Canterbury
Pirates Of The Curry Bean
"Fantastically funny show that all our pupils & parents simply adored!"Claire Mackinder, Ranby C of E Primary, Nottingham