Children's Christmas Nativities | All Ages

Christmas is an especially exciting time for children. The end of term nativity is an eagerly anticipated event. Each child wants to play a pivotal part and you are burdened with the responsibility of correct casting and keeping the parents happy.

Musicline has created a wide range of festive, merry shows designed to keep productions easy and fun.

We have sought guidance from hundreds of schools listening to their advice about common problems experienced when hosting Christmas musicals for children. Our production packs address each issue as well as giving any other help we've thought of.

Widely-acclaimed Christmas nativities such as Starlight (KS1) which is ideal for the smaller Infant department and The Bethlehem Star (KS1) which is ideal for the larger infant department are all featured below.
Please browse our collection. We promise you'll be pleased with what you find.

If you have any questions or need any further information about our Christmas musicals for children please contact us. We'd love to help.

Starlight (Nativity) by Dave Corbett

Star Rating

"This was SO easy to stage."
Infant Teacher, South London
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Star Rating

"Great fun, especially for the audience who loved the media related content. From the moment I picked up the script and saw the brilliant humour (E Bray for donkeys) I knew it was going to be good. And it was."
Clive Ward, Peterborough
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Star Rating

"This was well pitched for the inclusion of our Early Years."
Parent Helper, Lincolnshire
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A Full of Fun Christmas musical.

Star Rating

"The songs are simply the best"
Kathy Ogden - Infant Teacher
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"A very enjoyable musical item that conveys the true meaning of Christmas. Lots of parts, great songs, and most of all the children loved performing it!"
Michelle Ladkins - Music Co-Ordinator.
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A Super Key Stage One and Key Stage Two Christmas Show

Star Rating

"What a fantastic show! I did this with Y1,Y2 and Y3 and it worked beautifully. On the last night we got a standing ovation! I am not musical at all but the CDs were really helpful and the children learned the songs easily. "
K.G. - Producer.
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Follow That Star (Nativity) by Gawen Robinson & Stephen Robertson

A Short, Entertaining Musical Nativity
A Christmas Show for the small Primary School

Star Rating

"A good, traditional Nativity with as much fun and humour as it is possible to have. "
Becky Jones - Infant Teacher, S.E. London
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Star Rating

"Script is amusing with lots of food for thought. Most of our 60 year 3's had speaking parts. They found the script and song words fun and easy to learn. A fantastic show for which we received AMAZING reviews! "
Lyall Wade - Key Stage 2 Teacher.
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Star Rating

"This proved ideal for our small Primary School - an easy set for a small stage "
D Smith Key Stage 2 Teacher
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Star Rating

"This Nativity has got the lot; great songs, great humour and a VERY simple set."
Denise White - Headteacher, Blakenhale Junior School, Birmingham
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