Click HERE to read the Script, look at the Score and listen to the Songs
Christmas Rhyme
by Dave Corbett
Pricing & Order Info.
Why choose this Musical?
37 Speaking Roles
Flexible Cast size to suit YOUR group numbers, from 29 actors upwards. See "Casting" tab below.
Good repetition in songs
Easy Play Piano/Vocal Score (Grade 4 Standard) available
Separate CDs of Vocal and Backing Tracks available
Age Range - Key Stage 1 (5 - 7 years)
NEW Sing It! Mk. 4 version, now with...
- "Volume Control" feature
- "Minimise Window" feature
- "Lyrics Off" feature
- "Vocals Off" feature
- "Line by Line" practising feature
- "Phrase by Phrase" practising feature
A BRAND NEW product; a CD-ROM or download of all the songs called "Sing it!" is available. This CD-ROM or download can teach the songs to the children without any teacher input. Children can use it at school or at home - think of the time it will save you! Most schools use it in class on an interactive white board or in the school hall on the overhead projector to allow full cast practice. Children LOVE learning this way and the product is foolproof.
Read the "Sing it!" reviews 'The "Sing it!" products were fantastic.' The Downs School, Bristol. 'Absolutely amazing material.' Mary O'Neill-Delano, Canada. ' "Sing it!" is fantastic for us less musically inclined teachers.' The Coppice Primary, Worcestershire. 'I really appreciate the "Sing it!" component as we often use this in rehearsals.' Newborough East Primary, Victoria, Australia. 'Can I also say that your "Sing it!" CD was brilliant.' Key Stage 2 teacher, Singapore.
Download FREE BackdropsFather Christmas visits the Land of Rhyme. He gives perfect presents to Humpty Dumpty, Mary Mary, Little Miss Muffet and others. What a clever Santa!
Christmas Rhyme is a lovely, simple Christmas production complete with a cast of traditional nursery rhyme characters.
Scene One: Humpty Dumpty
It's Christmas time in the Land of Rhyme but Humpty Dumpty is not feeling too festive after falling off a wall. All the King's Men call for the Doctor and Nurse who attempt to fix the scrambled egg. Enter Santa with a special present for Humpty that brings Christmas cheer to all.
Scene Two: Little Bo Peep
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep! The woolly wanderers sneaked off on the way to play in the meadow and now she doesn't know where to find them. They are soon reunited thanks to Santa and a special present for Bo Peep ensures that she will no longer have to seek her naughty sheep.
Scene Three: Mary, Mary
A group of gardeners are admiring Mary's garden full of beautiful silver bells, cockle shells and pretty maids all in a row. However, as the sun goes in and Jack Frost pays a visit, Mary's flowers are soon frozen and withered. Santa soon cheers Mary up with a special present to brighten up her window sill.
Scene Four: Little Miss Muffet
Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet, eating her curds and whey, until two mischievous spiders decided to scare her! Taking pity on her, Santa gives her a special present that turn the tables on the unsuspecting eight legged rascals.
Scene Five: Polly Put The Kettle On
Polly put the kettle on but Sukey forgot to take it off again! The two waitresses were so busy serving customers that the kettle boiled dry. Tea is soon back on the menu again as Santa yet again saves the day with a very special present. What a clever Santa!
Suggested Cast List For 54 Actors
N.B. In the following list, the number shows the number of spoken lines each role has.
Character Name | Number of Lines |
Santa | 31 |
King | 14 |
Bo Peep | 12 |
Mary | 9 |
Miss Muffet | 8 |
Speaker | 7 |
Humpty | 6 |
Polly | 6 |
Doctor | 6 |
Narrator 1 | 5 |
Nurse | 3 |
Spider 1 | 3 |
Spider 2 | 3 |
Narrator 2 | 2 |
Narrator 3 | 2 |
Narrator 4 | 2 |
Announcer | 2 |
Sukey | 2 |
Man 1 | 1 |
Man 2 | 1 |
Man 3 | 1 |
Man 4 | 1 |
Walker 1 | 1 |
Walker 2 | 1 |
Walker 3 | 1 |
Walker 4 | 1 |
Walker 5 | 1 |
Gardener 1 | 1 |
Gardener 2 | 1 |
Gardener 3 | 1 |
Gardener 4 | 1 |
Gardener 5 | 1 |
Parrot | 1 |
Customer 1 | 1 |
Customer 2 | 1 |
Customer 3 | 1 |
Customer 4 | 1 |
Non speaking roles: Sun, Jack Frost, Chorus of four Sheep, two extra King's Men and nine Flowers (some of whom could also play Sheep at director's discretion).
Suggested Cast List For 29 Actors
N.B. In the following list, the number shows the number of spoken lines each role has.
Character Name | Number of Lines |
Santa | 31 |
King | 14 |
Bo Peep | 12 |
Mary | 9 |
Miss Muffet - also plays Sheep | 8 |
Walker 3 - also plays Speaker | 8 |
Doctor - also plays Gardener 1 | 7 |
Narrator 1 - also covers Narrator 3's lines | 7 |
Humpty - also plays Sheep | 6 |
Polly - also plays Sheep | 6 |
Nurse - also plays Gardener 2 | 4 |
Narrator 2 - also covers Narrator 4's lines | 4 |
Walker 4 - also plays Spider 1 | 4 |
Walker 5 - also plays Spider 2 | 4 |
Man 1 - also covers Man 4's line and also plays Gardener 3 | 3 |
Announcer | 2 |
Sukey - also plays Sheep | 2 |
Man 2 - also plays Gardener 4 | 2 |
Man 3 - also plays Gardener 5 | 2 |
Walker 2 - also plays Parrot | 2 |
Walker 1 - also plays Flower | 1 |
Customer 1 - also plays Flower | 1 |
Customer 2 - also plays Flower | 1 |
Customer 3 - also plays Flower | 1 |
Customer 4 - also plays Flower | 1 |
Non speaking roles:
Sun, who also plays Flower
Jack Frost, who also plays Flower
Two extra Sheep, who also play Flowers
Christmas Rhyme
"Easy and fun songs to learn! Children along with adults could not stop singing the songs! As we are a Reception class we felt the script was a little too hard for the children, so we created out own simple script. This play would be ideal for a Year 1 class. I am looking to purchase another as I have used this for the last three years! Time for a new one! Looking forward to our next production! "Kristy Taylor , Chalgrove Primary School , London
Christmas Rhyme
"Good repetition in songs; very easy to teach."Geraldine Poncet, Key Stage One Teacher, Lincolnshire