Click HERE to read the Script, look at the Score and listen to the Songs
Gnome Alone
by Dave Corbett
Pricing & Order Info.
Why choose this Musical?
31 Speaking Roles
Easily expanded or reduced to suit YOUR group numbers, from 24 actors upwards. See "Casting" tab below.
Any number of Chorus parts
Easy Play Piano/Vocal Score (Grade 4 Standard) available
Easily constructed and manageable props
CDs of Backing and Vocal Tracks available
Simple, catchy and repetitive songs
Visually appealing
Ideal for the NQT
Very easy to stage and teach
Age Range: Key Stage 1 Production (5-7 years)
Duration: 30 minutes
NEW! Instant Scenery with our digital backdrops
A different backdrop for EVERY scene change
Supplied in both a PowerPoint presentation and as individual JPG files.

No more Scenery Painting!
NEW Sing It! Mk. 4 version, now with...
- "Volume Control" feature
- "Minimise Window" feature
- "Lyrics Off" feature
- "Vocals Off" feature
- "Line by Line" practising feature
- "Phrase by Phrase" practising feature
A BRAND NEW product; a CD-ROM or download of all the songs called "Sing it!" is available. This CD-ROM or download can teach the songs to the children without any teacher input. Children can use it at school or at home - think of the time it will save you! Most schools use it in class on an interactive white board or in the school hall on the overhead projector to allow full cast practice. Children LOVE learning this way and the product is foolproof.
Read the "Sing it!" reviews 'The "Sing it!" products were fantastic.' The Downs School, Bristol. 'Absolutely amazing material.' Mary O'Neill-Delano, Canada. ' "Sing it!" is fantastic for us less musically inclined teachers.' The Coppice Primary, Worcestershire. 'I really appreciate the "Sing it!" component as we often use this in rehearsals.' Newborough East Primary, Victoria, Australia. 'Can I also say that your "Sing it!" CD was brilliant.' Key Stage 2 teacher, Singapore.
Norman Gnome only wants to help. There's a sleigh to paint, boots to shine and reindeer to groom - but Santa says he's too small and sends him home. Aahh, poor Norman Gnome! However, when all the other helpers become so tired out, Norman gets the most important job of all... YIPPEE!
"Gnome Alone" is a visually appealing, simple and enjoyable infant production making it perfect for the less confident in staging productions.
The six Narrators open the show and introduce the Elves, Fairies and Norman Gnome.
Scene One: Santa's Workshop
It's nearly Christmas time and there are so many jobs to do! Who will paint the sleigh? Norman Gnome eagerly volunteers but painting is an Elf's job and Gnomes are too small. Poor Norman Gnome!
Scene Two: The Stables
It's time to groom the reindeer and despite Norman's enthusiasm, he is again told that he is too small for the job. As the disappointed Gnome heads home to play with his toys, the Fairies set about smartening up Santa's four legged friends.
Scene Three: Santa's House
Santa's boot box is full of dirty boots! The boot polishing Elves get to work but they soon realise that such hard work takes its toll. The exhausted Elves head home for a nap.
Scene Four: Gnome Alone
Norman is home alone and fed up! His toy Clowns, Teddies and Soldiers all do their best to cheer him up but even they can't put a smile on his face. Poor, fed up Norman Gnome!
Scene Five: Present Packing
The packing Fairies are rushed off their tiny fairy feet filling the sacks to load onto Santa's sleigh. After their job is done, they too retire for a well deserved rest.
Scene Six: Sleigh Time
It's time for the most important job, delivering presents! But where is everyone? Santa's helpers are all fast asleep after being so busy. Norman Gnome however, is wide awake and just the right size to sit behind the sacks on Santa's sleigh. Hooray for Norman Gnome!
Suggested Cast List For 40 Actors
N.B. In the following list, the number shows how many spoken lines each role has. The asterisk (*) before Norman Gnome's name indicates that this character ALSO has the option of solo sung lines.
Character Name | Number of Lines |
Santa | 18 |
*Norman Gnome | 9 |
Elton | 6 |
Ellie | 5 |
Elsa | 4 |
Narrator 4 | 4 |
Narrator 1 | 3 |
Narrator 2 | 3 |
Narrator 3 | 3 |
Narrator 5 | 3 |
Narrator 6 | 3 |
Estelle | 3 |
Edwin | 3 |
Ernest | 2 |
Ellen | 2 |
Eddy | 2 |
Phoebe | 2 |
Franny | 2 |
Fuchsia | 2 |
Forget Me Not | 2 |
Reindeer 1 | 1 |
Reindeer 2 | 1 |
Reindeer 3 | 1 |
Rudolf | 1 |
Fiona | 1 |
Felicity | 1 |
Fay | 1 |
Francis | 1 |
Clown | 1 |
Teddy | 1 |
Soldier | 1 |
Non speaking roles: Chorus of three additional Teddies, three Clowns and three Soldiers.
Suggested Cast List For 24 Actors
N.B. In the following list, the number shows how many spoken lines each role has. The asterisk (*) before Norman Gnome's name indicates that this character ALSO has the option of solo sung lines.
Character Name | Number of Lines |
Santa | 18 |
*Norman Gnome | 9 |
Ellie - also covers Estelle's lines | 8 |
Elton - also covers Elsa's final line in Scene three | 7 |
Narrator 1 - also covers Narrator 4's lines | 7 |
Narrator 2 - also covers Narrator 5's lines | 6 |
Narrator 3 - also covers Narrator 6's lines | 6 |
Edwin - also covers Elsa's lines (except final one) | 6 |
Ernest | 2 |
Ellen | 2 |
Eddy | 2 |
Phoebe | 2 |
Franny | 2 |
Fuchsia | 2 |
Forget Me Not | 2 |
Felicity - also covers Francis' line | 2 |
Reindeer 1 - also covers Reindeer 3's line | 2 |
Reindeer 2 | 1 |
Rudolf | 1 |
Fiona | 1 |
Fay | 1 |
Clown | 1 |
Teddy | 1 |
Soldier | 1 |
No additional Chorus - cast sit near stage and sing Chorus parts when not on stage.
N.B. As no additional Teddies, Clowns or Soldiers are being used for this casting, the speaking Clown, Teddy and Soldier will need to say "I'll..." rather than "We'll..." in Scene four.
Gnome Alone
"I couldn't imagine a more simple to stage Infant production."Joanna Mason, Year Two Teacher, Leeds