Click HERE to read the Script, look at the Score and listen to the Songs
The Dracula Rock Show
by Malcolm Sircom
Pricing & Order Info.
Another Classic by Malcolm Sircom
- 25 speaking roles plus choose your own cameos.
- Unlimited chorus parts.
- Easy to stage, Easy to costume.
- CD of Backing Tracks available.
- CD of Vocal Tracks available.
- All Sound Effects Included On Both CDs. However - for those of you who prefer a live pianoforte accompaniment, we now have available a superb BRAND NEW Performance Piano/Vocal Score which encompasses Overture, Songs, Cues and Chord Symbols. (Grade 7 standard).
- Easily manageable props.
- Age range: Key Stage 2 Production (7-11 years)
Especially engaging for your Upper Juniors (9-11 years) - a Perfect Year 6 leavers' play. - Duration - One hour 15 minutes.
The Zombies and Vampires are unhappy with their life underground, and summon Count Dracula, their master. He promises them fun among the humans, disguised as the audience at Rock Concerts, where their bizarre appearance will go un-noticed. To achieve this, after a Pop Idol audition scene, he creates his own Rock Group.
Meanwhile Inspector Shirley Holmes of the Dewberry CID and her pathologist, Dr. Watson, are battling against the master criminal Professor Moriarty and his gang - as well as trying to solve the mystery of an outbreak of anaemia among young women.
These strands are woven together in a hilarious plot, full of splendid eccentric characters, sparked by a dynamic Rock score, which takes in 60's rock, a touch of 70's disco, and even a Line Dance! A rock 'n' roll Dracula, Shirley Holmes doing a Dolly Parton, and a Mick Jagger-like rock star are just some of the surprises in this comedy musical - as gloriously off-the-wall as its predecessor.
Those of you who have already performed The Rocky Monster Show will know what to expect - loads of laughs, great tunes, and enjoyment for all involved. Casting will motivate your entire company, for as well as the Principals, the Choruses of Zombies, Vampires, Police and Criminals all have plenty of speaking parts.
The show has the option of being presented in One Act (One hour 5 minutes) or in Two Acts (One hour 25 minutes, including interval)
Act One
Vampires and Zombies sing 'Stayin' Undead' which sets the scene of the Underworld. Here is an opportunity to have fun with the stage set! Desperate to experience the twenty-first century they call Dracula who enters to 'The Master'. The decision is made to form a rock band and there's the opportunity to rock 'n' roll when Dracula and chorus sing 'Everybody Gotta Rock'.
We then meet the Police team led by Inspector Shirley Holmes and their introduction is far from boring as they sing 'Walkin' The Beat'. Yet the atmosphere doesn't remain jolly when Holmes and Watson realize the teenagers with acute anaemia have been attacked by a vampire! The narrators introduce the villains (Mrs Petersen and Quasi) who are in Professor Moriarty's laboratory; he is the head of the criminals. Moriarty enters followed by diverse criminals and explains his potion which reverses a persons personality; he plans to poison Holmes and Watson. 'We Will Rob You' follows. Then there is the opportunity for auditions for the Rock Band to take place, in a similar style to 'Pop Idol'.
Holmes and Watson discover the Dracula Show and suspect a connection with the acute anaemia cases but are sidetracked by their discovery of Moriarty who tried to poison them. The audience are left in suspense when Holmes and Watson raise the glasses to their lips before a BLACKOUT.
The narrators take us to the Assembly Rooms where the Vampires, Zombies and Teenagers mix. Moriarty and his criminals enter, in time to hear Dracula open the show and the Blood Sisters sing 'Who Needs Love?'Holmes and Watson discuss their close shave. The main act, Jagged Mick, sings 'Honky-Tonk Lover'. Here is the opportunity for a Mick Jagger impersonation!
Act Two
'The Frog March' is sung by the Policemen and Moriarty's criminals. Holmes and Watson reveal the powers of the potion and plan to deceive Moriarty. The Narrators take us to Dracula on tour, Reprise of 'The Master'. Dracula's band is rebelling and is unhappy with 'The Dracula Rock Show' which is described as an 'ABBA' tribute! The Narrators transport us to Moriarty's laboratory where he reveals his next scheme to the criminals. He is deceived by Holmes and Watson-who enter to a Country 'n' Western song 'So Much Good' - believing they drank the potion. Holmes and Watson successfully give the villains the potion and a transformation is observed when they sing Reprise 'So Much Good'. The Narrators take us back to Dracula where the Underworld reveals their discontent at humans (mainly football hooligans!) and want to go home; 'Going Home' follows. Dracula, followed by Holmes returns home. In a close scrape where Dracula sings 'Dewberry Bill' as he moves in for the kill, Holmes is saved by Watson who appears to know Dracula's weakness is Cliff Richard! Dracula is tricked into taking the poison and a witty joke is slipped in by Watson about the next victims for the potions...yes, you've guessed it politicians! The last scene takes us to the Underworld where everyone reveals their new situation and it ends with everyone rockin 'n' rollin one last time to 'Everybody Gotta Rock'.
Speaking Roles by Number of Lines
N.B. In the following list, the number shows how many spoken lines each role has. An asterisk (*) before the character's name indicates that this character ALSO has solo or featured sung lines.
Character Name | Number of Lines |
* Count Dracula | 118 |
* Inspector Shirley Holmes | 105 |
* Professor Moriarty | 105 |
Narrator 1 | 78 |
Narrator 2 | 61 |
Doctor Watson | 56 |
* Mrs Peterson | 50 |
* Quasimodo | 35 |
Lead Vampire | 18 |
A Zombie (part can be split) | 14 |
Lead Zombie | 14 |
* "Fingers" Johnson | 13 |
A Vampire (part can be split) | 12 |
* Barbara Bell | 9 |
* Jagged Mick | 9 |
* "Steroid" Stan | 8 |
* Blood Sister 3 | 7 |
* Big Time Brenda | 6 |
* Blood Sister 1 | 6 |
* Blood Sister 2 | 6 |
* Policeman 1 | 3 |
Teenager (Policeman in disguise) | 3 |
* Policeman 2 | 2 |
* Policeman 3 | 1 |
* Policeman 4 | 1 |
Alphabetical Order (with Line Count)
N.B. In the following list, the number shows how many spoken lines each role has. An asterisk (*) before the character's name indicates that this character ALSO has solo or featured sung lines.
Character Name | Number of Lines |
A Vampire (part can be split) | 12 |
A Zombie (part can be split) | 14 |
* Barbara Bell | 9 |
* Big Time Brenda | 6 |
* Blood Sister 1 | 6 |
* Blood Sister 2 | 6 |
* Blood Sister 3 | 7 |
* Count Dracula | 118 |
Doctor Watson | 56 |
* "Fingers" Johnson | 13 |
* Inspector Shirley Holmes | 105 |
* Jagged Mick | 9 |
Lead Vampire | 18 |
Lead Zombie | 14 |
* Mrs Peterson | 50 |
Narrator 1 | 78 |
Narrator 2 | 61 |
* Policeman 1 | 3 |
* Policeman 2 | 2 |
* Policeman 3 | 1 |
* Policeman 4 | 1 |
* Professor Moriarty | 105 |
* Quasimodo | 35 |
* "Steroid" Stan | 8 |
Teenager (Policeman in disguise) | 3 |
Non Speaking Roles: Additional Zombies and Vampires. You could also augment Inspector Holmes' Police Squad and Professor Moriarty's Criminal Gang.
The Dracula Rock Show
"This play is the best we have ever done and I will recommend it to other schools. "Georgia , Hundon school, Suffolk
The Dracula Rock Show
The Dracula Rock Show
"This was the best play my school has ever performed i played the dracula which was fanstasic!"Laura
The Dracula Rock Show
"This was the show we chose for our last production. The children enjoyed every moment and the reviews from the parents were the best ever! It was funny, entertaining and had some wonderful musical numbers. It was the best show ever! "Music Teacher, Cwmdare Primary School, Wales
The Dracula Rock Show
"i thought this was absolutely fantastic! i enjoyed it thoroughly and am playing Dracula; it's really funny as i am a girl playing a man!!! i actually did the "Rocky Monster Show" and played Igor and that was very good too - everyone should try it."Cast Member
The Dracula Rock Show
"I am playing Dracula in the "Dracula Rock Show" at my drama group and I love it. It's a great musical and could one day be made into a film like the "Phantom of the Opera"."James Wilson - Cast Member
The Dracula Rock Show
"We had great fun with this show. Quite demanding - and all the more satisfying. Thank you Mr Sircom! I strongly recommend it. "Music Teacher, Cramond Primary School, Edinburgh
The Dracula Rock Show
"This is a wonderful play and I have a part in it as Mrs Peterson. It's a very exciting, funny and a little bit scary show. I am enjoying it so much. "Cast Member, Clober Primary School, Dunbarton